PARIS (Reuters) - The European Union contingency not singular out Canada's unconventional oil in a due ranking of fuels, pronounced a supervision deputy of Alberta, home to a bulk of Canada's oil wealth, job for an equal diagnosis with other fuels.
Cal Dallas, Alberta's Minister of International relations, told Reuters a EU connect sands offer could repairs a repute of Canada's many remunerative export, though he declined to contend if Ottawa could take a box to a World Trade Organization.
"I sojourn carefree that we will be means to come to a reasonable solution," Dallas pronounced in an talk in Paris as partial of a European debate due to take him to a WTO in Geneva, and to Britain, a normal fan of Canada.
Britain, home to oil majors BP and Royal Dutch Shell, has led antithesis to a EU offer to tag oil subsequent from Canada's outrageous pot of tar sands, as rarely polluting in a due immature fuel ranking.
"We support a thought of measuring these fuels and a pierce to a lower-carbon sourroundings though we feel that as it (the EU fuel peculiarity gauge or FQD) is now due we are being penalized," Dallas said.
"The information for other fuel sources is not transparent, is not available, and is not being deliberate in a growth of a directive."
The EU ranking assigns connect sands a default hothouse gas value of 107 grams of CO per megajoule, informing buyers it has some-more meridian impact than compulsory wanton with 87.5 grams, EU sources have said.
The EU immature fuel ranking completes legislation introduced in 2008, when a confederation concluded to revoke a CO power of a ride fuels by 6 percent by 2020.
Dallas pronounced Alberta's oil attention was creation advance in improving a environmental lane record. Extracting oil from a brew of silt and clay is appetite and H2O intensive.
"Any growth of this scale does have an impact," he said, adding: "There are extensive advances that have been done in terms of H2O use, in terms of a appetite compulsory to remove a resource, and a turn of monitoring is rising."
The FQD pauses a "reputational issue" to Canada, home to a world's third largest oil reserves after Saudi Arabia and Venezuela, Dallas said. Ottawa has lobbied tough to build acceptance of oil subsequent from connect sands, that it sees as critical to a mercantile future.
But Dallas pronounced investments will continue to flow in on Alberta even if a EU goes forward with stream skeleton as general majors have already spent billions of dollars to rise production.
"Fuel subsequent from oil sands is going to be an essential member of a evident future," Dallas said.
"The investment skeleton that are plainly discussed and published anticipate hundreds of billions of dollars of investments in a future. There is a clever set of indicators that tellurian investors will continue to make commitments to rise a oil silt resources."
Dallas also shrugged off any enticement Canada might have to extent unfamiliar companies' entrance to a immeasurable oil resources.
"I don't anticipate that there will be any change and one of a reasons because we are saying this turn of investments from around a creation is that we are a really predictable, really secure democracy that has offering a really pure set of manners for business and investments."
(Reporting by Marie Maitre; modifying by Jason Neely)
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