DEAR ABBY: My beloved and we have been vital together for 9 months. We have motionless to horde Christmas dinner during a residence and invited 20 people -- 10 from any of a families. His mother, unfortunately, is carrying a tough time usurpation that her 27-year-old son is flourishing up.
She says she feels "awkward" and that their family has had a traditions for many years. (My beloved has spent each Christmas Eve and Christmas night during his parents' residence given birth.)
I come from a family that is variable to change. Any suggestions for traffic with this intensity destiny mother-in-law? -- FREE SPIRIT IN PHOENIX
DEAR FREE SPIRIT: First of all, don't devise on your boyfriend's relatives attending your Christmas dinner, and don't take it privately if they don't. She competence be reluctant to change their Christmas tradition.
If and when a marriage date is set, or your beloved creates transparent to her that your arrangement will be permanent, a 3 of we can afterwards come to an agreement to swap these holidays so we and your relatives are means to also horde these gatherings. This is how new families settle their possess traditions and in-laws aren't finished to feel that one side is favored.
DEAR ABBY: we have been with my fiance for dual years. Lately he's been carrying difficulty determining his anger. His outbursts are apropos some-more frequent, and he feels like they're justified. He says if we didn't "nag" him so many there wouldn't be any arguments.
I adore him and wish to spend a rest of my life with him, though I'm apropos fearful by a turn he allows his annoy to reach. Can we assistance a male like this understanding with his anger? -- NEEDS HELP IN NORTH CAROLINA
DEAR NEEDS HELP: No, and conjunction can you, as many as we competence wish to. Only he can do that, and it would take eagerness on his partial and counseling. Blaming we for his outbursts indicates he's not prepared to do that. The smartest thing we can do is leave before he escalates to spiteful we physically. Without veteran help, a function we have described will usually get worse.
DEAR ABBY: we have an aged neighbor we have been friends with for many years. Over a past several years she has had countless medical problems. we have finished all we can to be her friend. we do things around a house, move her meals, whatever we can. She has no family and usually one other crony besides me.
She is vexed and stays in bed many of a day, that contributes to her aches and pains. we keep revelation her she needs to get adult and travel or her pain will get worse. It has reached a indicate where she's so nasty about all that we don't even wish to pronounce to her.
I know that she's frightened and feels beaten up. we try to pronounce about things that are noncontroversial -- happy things. It doesn't work. She turns all into an argument. we don't know what to do. we hatred to omit her, though it's unequivocally holding a fee on me. Am we a fair-weather friend? -- TRYING TO BE A GOOD NEIGHBOR IN MASSACHUSETTS
DEAR GOOD NEIGHBOR: No, we are a caring friend. Your aged neighbor is ill, and she competence be apropos demented. Because she is no longer means to caring for herself or her home, hit a nearest sanatorium or comparison core and ask to pronounce with a amicable workman on staff. The lady we report competence need some-more assistance than we can give her, from people with a training to do it.
Dear Abby is created by Abigail Van Buren, also famous as Jeanne Phillips, and was founded by her mother, Pauline Phillips. Write Dear Abby during or P.O. Box 69440, Los Angeles, CA 90069.
Abby shares some-more than 100 of her favorite recipes in dual booklets: "Abby's Favorite Recipes" and "More Favorite Recipes by Dear Abby." Send a business-size, self-addressed envelope, and check or income sequence for $12 (U.S. funds) to: Dear Abby -- Cookbooklet Set, P.O. Box 447, Mount Morris, IL 61054-0447. (Postage is enclosed in price.)
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