Monday, December 26, 2011

Doctors look to treat sick children in virtual worlds

Doctors look to treat sick children in virtual worlds

Doctors in a domed laboratory in Canada are conceptualizing a virtual world where they wish to one day yield aggrieved children with colorful avatars regulating toy-like medical gadgets.

Sensory kick could be used to make a bake plant feel she is encased in a retard of ice. Three-dimensional images of a child's bedroom during home could make him forget he is in a hospital.

"You could take a child pang from browns and put him in a frigid environment, channel a threshold of reality, to lifeless his pain," pronounced Patrick Dube, who is heading a group of medics from Montreal's Sainte-Justine sanatorium and program engineers during a Society for Arts and Technology.

"We know that cognitive illusions have an outcome on a notice of pain," he said.

At a Satosphere, an 18-meter-wide (60-foot) architecture creatively designed to yield spectators with a 360-degree perspective of art projections, a group has set adult a hospital room, or "living lab", to try out new diagnosis ideas.

The dome, touted by Satosphere boss Monique Savoie as a "cinema for a 21st century," is a scion of a Circle-Vision entertainment denounced during a 1967 International and Universal Exposition's Bell Pavilion in Montreal.

"We can, by mixed projectors, emanate immersive environments that confederate not usually walls, though also a seat in a room," Dube said.

Another apparatus being tested by a doctors would concede them to give medical gadgets a coming of fantastical, non-threatening toys.

Children would in speculation be means to reconnoitre themselves with "scary" medical instruments, like syringes, easing common fears over medical tests and treatments.

In a hands of a small girl, a syringe is remade into a storybook rocket. "I'm no longer frightened of injections," pronounced Maxime, 11, a daughter of one of a researchers.

The researchers are also looking into avatars that could one day concede doctors and nurses to promulgate with children aggrieved by illness or a crippling accident, who competence not be gentle opening adult to an adult.

Such high-tech puppetry competence be used to build a child's certainty or assistance re-socialize them. The chairman determining a avatar from another room could ask a child to impersonate a movements as partial of earthy rehabilitation.

The ultimate aim is to request a record to assistance a children "overcome their fears and learn things about themselves," pronounced Patricia Garel, conduct of Sainte-Justine's psychoanalysis department.

"There's huge intensity in a discipline, though we're still during a really early exploratory stage."

Virtual communication and video games are famous to infrequently have a disastrous impact on a socialization of children, quite a many emotionally fragile, who competence close themselves in.

But Garel insists that if a collection are used rightly they could carve a practical trail behind to normal life.

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