Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Quarterbacking Our Country: Tebow Style

Quarterbacking Our Country: Tebow Style

Last night, examination Denver quarterback Tim Tebow’s post-game press coming and President Obama’s talk on CBS’s 60 Minutes, we was struck by a fact that one male is charity his group (and a nation actually) a care they need while a other is trapped in normal sermon and scoring domestic points. 

Tebow is not even tighten to a many physically gifted quarterback in a NFL (and he substantially isn’t even a many physically gifted quarterback on his possess team), though he has taken a group sitting in a attic and carried it adult to playoff contention. 


Do we buy into some involvement by God since Tebow is a male of implausible eremite faith? No.  we do trust there is a boundless participation in each one of us and in each thing, and a energy of that participation stays a poser of a ages.  It can’t be proven or disproven by an egghead review or systematic method, though it is tough not to accept if we are a chairman of faith and tie to something outward a small humanity.  Yet that is not what this Denver arise and winning strain is about. 

First, we would be really astounded if God is endangered about either one NFL group is winning and either one is losing.  Even if God was concerned, we would wish he would have helped my hometown group -- a Detroit Lions -- who have had no success in a Super Bowl era. 

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Second, there are many players of faith on each group in a NFL, so we don’t consider a Creator is picking and selecting that actor or group or faith He likes some-more or less.

I do consider this Tebow boomlet is about faith.  And it’s about confidence.  And leadership.  And piety -- a humbleness innate of strength and conviction.  It is about Tebow’s faith in his possess teammates.  It is about his faith and certainty in his possess organization.  It is about him acknowledging his possess weaknesses and failings and mistakes and bargain that if his group looks good, afterwards he looks good.


Obama, and so too a Republican possibilities for president, can learn a lot from what is going on in a Mile High City.  Our economy, and this country, are struggling with outrageous deficits of certainty and faith.  We need a personality who can move us together, secrete certainty in us as a team, and lead us to where we need to go in a 21st century.  A personality who is peaceful to acknowledge mistakes and proceed politics not by indicating fingers or scoring points though by assisting us all be improved people. 

Take a demeanour during Obama’s latest interview.  It does not make we feel improved about where we are heading.  You don’t feel like we are going to win underneath his leadership.  He points fingers and refuses to acknowledge his possess mistakes or weaknesses.  we mostly consternation where is a Barack Obama of a 2007 and 2008 campaign.  That Obama was most some-more like a personality we need during this time.  He offering hope, he had mountainous rhetoric, he offering a change from a sour politics in Washington, and he done us feel we could win. 

Tebow is a kind of personality for his football group that a nation needs during this essential impulse in history.  Yes, a Denver Broncos strain will substantially end, and a contingency are a group like a Green Bay Packers will win a Super Bowl.  But no matter a outcome, Tebow has shown what faith, and certainty and piety can do for a group of singular skills that was losing consistently before. This is accurately what President Franklin Roosevelt and President Reagan accepted about leadership. 


 This economy, and a country, do not need some-more programs out of Washington, D.C., or legislation from Congress, or taxation cuts for a wealthy, or some-more spending on supervision stimulus.  What adults and businesses need is a personality who can lift us all adult to a turn we didn’t know we had in us, give us certainty in ourselves, give us a common idea to work toward, and make us trust in and have faith in ourselves again.

It seems this is a care doctrine we keep carrying to learn over and over again by a country’s history.  It is so easy to forget how successes were achieved along a approach by Kennedy-style exhortations such as “we are going to a moon.” It is so easy to default into unwell Washington-style, us-against-them, to try and get short-term domestic success. 

But maybe a quarterback who seems as most child as male can uncover us all, including a possibilities for president, how to win and how to get a nation behind on track.  And how to have a small fun along a way.  Now that is a personality we would enthusiastically go in a crowd with.

News referensi http://news.yahoo.com/quarterbacking-country-tebow-style-124425526.html

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