Friday, December 9, 2011

Study: Facebook does not hurt college students' GPA (much)

Study: Facebook does not hurt college students' GPA (much)

Right now, hundreds of thousands of college students opposite a US are cramming for a end-of-semester finals. Either that, or they’re procrastinating on Facebook. Which, according to a investigate from Lockhaven University of Pennsylvania published final month in Computers in Human Behavior, unequivocally isn’t such a bad thing, as distant as category indicate normal is concerned.

Of a some-more than 1,800 students surveyed, 92 percent certified to regulating Facebook, and those who do record on spend an normal of 106 mins any day on a social network. For each additional hour and a half (93 minutes) spent on a site, GPAs forsaken an normal of 0.12 points. That said, a investigate found “no clever link” between Facebook use and a dump in GPA. Instead, a grades a tyro got in high propagandize are twice as clever a predictor of how good he or she will do in college.

The investigate that students who common links around Facebook, or checked a site simply to see what their friends were doing, mostly did improved in class. Students who simply posted a lot of “OMG, I’m not eating ramen again… LOL” kind of standing updates did worse.

All in all, there is appears to be no statistically poignant association between Facebook use and removing bad grades.

“Though there is a attribute between endless Facebook use and a tiny dump in GPA,” says a study’s analogous infographic (see below), “the investigate does not infer that possibly one causes a other. Students with reduce grades could simply use Facebook more, or there could be a third cause that affects both though isn’t complicated here.”

This is positively to demeanour into a effects of social networks on classroom performance, and it won’t be a last. But during a finish of a day, do we unequivocally need these kinds of severe inquiries to tell us that study reduction and screwing around on a Internet some-more will outcome in reduce grades, if taken to an extreme? Of march not, though it doesn’t make them any reduction telling.

See a analogous infographic below:

[via - Image via ]

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