by Worm Factory
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(More Detail Information Hot New Releases in Patio, Lawn & Garden list for authoritative Ask questions about Worm Factory 360 WF360B Worm Composter, Black here! We can help you find the best garden information for free..)
Product Description
Composting with worms allows we to spin kitchen scraps, paper rubbish and card into nutrient-rich dirt for your plants. The Worm Factory 360 composting complement creates a whole routine discerning and easy. With a thermo siphon atmosphere upsurge design, a Worm Factory 360 increases a composting speed. Now we can furnish compost most faster than normal composting methods. Master Gardeners agree, worm castings are one of a richest forms of manure that we can use. The Worm Factory 360 can be used indoors or outdoor permitting year turn production. Now composting is no longer singular to backyards. The Worm Factory 360 is scentless creation it good for apartments, kitchens, garages, porches and more. Simply supplement a handful of worms and your organic rubbish to a bottom tray. The worms will start estimate a food. Once a bottom tray is filled supplement another tray. The worms quit ceiling to a newest food source withdrawal a bottom tray full of nutrient-rich compost. As rubbish is damaged down, dampness filters by a system, holding nutrient-rich particles with it. This creates it probable to collect organic glass manure right from a spigot. 20 year warranty.
Product Details
- Amazon Sales Rank: #1037 in Lawn & Patio
- Color: Black
- Brand: Worm Factory
- Model: WF360B
- Released on: 2011-12-06
- Number of items: 1
- Dimensions: 14.95" h x 17.95" w x 17.95" l, 11.00 pounds
- The Worm Factory 360 has a customary 4-Tray distance that is expandable adult to 8 trays, giving it a largest volume of any home composter.
- The redesigned lid translates to a accessible mount for trays while harvesting a compost.
- Included enlightening DVD with step-by-step beam for handling your Worm Factory 360.
- The appendage pack provides simple collection to make handling a Worm Factory 360 easier.
- Built in "worm tea" gourmet tray and spigot for easy draining.
Customer Reviews
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233 of 236 people found a following examination helpful.
I have worms, yet my father loves me anyhow.
By Michelle R
(As a routine continues, a examination will update.)
Hi, I'm Michelle, and we have worms.
A few weeks ago we finished a preference to give vermicomposting a try. we live in an area that supports recycling, yet we still have to take a equipment there. The rest of a rabble costs us per weight, and ends adult decomposing in a approach that is not healthy. Why not revoke a trips to recycling, a income spent carrying someone else take divided a rest of it, and finish adult with healthy compost for a plants? Hey, when it's Jan and we live in one of a coldest states, we start meditative about gardening so that we don't go all Jack Torrance.
I examination a lot on a topic, including a lot of recommendation on creation my possess bin. However, DIY bins roughly always concerned work in removing your slippery friends to go to The Other Side of The Bin. we motionless to make a investment and buy a stackable unit, given they're finished and used in a approach that a worms quit adult and leave a finished compost behind. we suspicion it was well-worth a income now for a preference and a expected income saved.
Set adult of this section was really easy, and we select to follow a recommendation of many to set it adult a week or dual before a worms arrived in sequence to deliver them in when a sourroundings was ideal for them. Worms, come to find out, don't caring about your rotting food and yesterday's paper so many as they caring about a microbes that caring about these things, and so sourroundings it adult allows those microbes to show-up and food down. The pack gave all we needed, including shredded paper, with a difference of list bits and a endorsed sand to deliver courage and microorganisms. Dirt is not straightforwardly permitted in Minnesota in January, yet we managed a integrate tablespoons of mud. (Besides, when a worms showed up, they brought some sand with them and we had some, er, well-aged scraps.)
Yesterday -1/27/10- a worms arrived and we introduced them to a bin. While they were well-packaged, shipped subsequent day air, and hold during a post office, they'd still been by a lot, and were primarily indolent (is pursuit a worm indolent a churned embellishment or usually presumably defamatory?) yet after a integrate hours many some-more active. They're mostly a aspect and do seem to be captivated to a areas with a scraps.
While it's early, and we intend to refurbish this as a routine continues, I'm utterly happy with a bin and a really minute instructions or sourroundings adult a bedding, etc. It's also really elementary looking and appealing adequate that, had we not a basement, it would be excusable upstairs. A good feature, and we can see it in a picture, is that a lid has discerning beam to what bits are best and offers some good tips.
I'm new during this, yet I'll happily answer any questions we can in a comments about my personal knowledge or bargain of things. If we email me, we also competence post that to comments -- referring to we as Ann on a Mouse, if you're shy. YouTube has lots of videos, yet we will feel uncanny admissing to people that you've spent hours examination people fiddling with worms. (Trust me, I've been there.)
Going well. Learning to not over -- overfeed, overworry, over-nose-around. The worms are still adjusting, yet a sourroundings seems to be working, and they're going during a scraps. Because we prepare many nights, and make lots of veggies, we consider it'll be a while before they'll be means to hoop what we could give them, so I'm holding back.! There has been a day or dual where I've not combined to it, and let them locate up. Been harsh a bits adult in a chopper -- anything to start them out right. Also, upping a volume of fiber -- newspaper, mostly. Only 1 has attempted to go "over a wall."
I continue to examination adult on a subject and my friends are possibly honestly meddlesome or humoring me until someone can uncover adult with my injection.
Hubert Hawkins: The particle with a poison's in a flagon with a dragon; a vessel with a pestle has a decoction that is true.
Griselda: Just remember that.
The Court Jester
A trebuchet and pestle is a good approach to belligerent adult dusty egg shells. The worms use them for grit, that aids in digestion, it's a source of calcium that could assistance with facsimile -- or not -- and it prevents a dirt from being too acidic. This is a one we have: Harold's Kitchen 3-1/2 Inch Round Mortar and Pestle, yet we picked it some-more for looks than practicality. If you've saved adult a series of shells, I've examination we can use something like a cosmetic bucket, or dishpan, and a mason jar. A lot of folks usually pulp by palm or toss a shells in whole.
Happy Valentine's Day, and what's some-more regretful than a bin of worms?
Things are going fine. I've found a warmer mark in my basement, and now a bin is during about 65F, that is a best we can wish for this time of year unless we wish to pierce a squad to a guest room. I've also systematic some-more worms. We're usually formulating too many rubbish right now and could use a assistance ... and I'm impatient. We have a freezer in a groundwork and we have a good distance Tupperware enclosure to solidify excess, yet there's usually so many room.
As kitchen bits amass we use Norpro Ceramic Compost Keeper (in red.) It works well, and has a filter to stop your kitchen from smelling. The hoop is trashy though, and it arrived chipped -- I'll be honest and contend we should have gotten a steel one. Whether we chose ceramic or metal, there are appealing designs out there though, that'll demeanour excellent on your counter. Compost keepers also concede bits to age for a few days, that means they attract courtesy faster in a bin. Freezing scraps, or microwaving them, also breaks them down and has a identical effect, with a combined care of murdering off fruit fly eggs or mites that competence have hitchhiked from a grocery store. Most mites are indeed beneficial, yet we consider many folks are some-more gentle not carrying stow-aways. One final note on a opposite compost keeper: brew it adult a tiny and be wakeful of how aged a oldest bits are so that we don't finish adult with a stinky disaster during a bottom. After a week or so, maybe less, it's time to solidify or make certain a oldest things is what's for cooking in a bin!
I should discuss that a Worm Factory comes with a lot of stuff. There's coconut coir for a bottom bedding, and a lot of people swear by it and continue to use it. It's sent as a section and we soak it in H2O until it's hydrated and smells like earth and purify soil. There's shredded newspaper, also for bedding, and other associated materials. (Paper and card offer as food & bedding, and a further of them via a routine keeps smells down, helps if we finish adult with additional moisture, and it critical to a process.)There's also a palm hillside and a scraper. I've never used a scraper. There's also a thermometer that my father wrote WORMS opposite so that there are no confusion with a one in a kitchen -- we upheld him in this. There's also a minute instruction manual, that helped put me during ease. (This is what we perceived and what they offer now -- I'd demeanour during a product outline to determine this is still accurate when we order.)
The WF (Worm Factory) is designed with a spigot to empty out additional liquids that competence tumble into a collection tray -- that is opposite from your operative tray with a bedding, worms, and scraps. How wet a bin should be is a matter of some discuss and zero we feel gifted adequate to pronounce to. There are also many discussions on what to do with this glass -- that is called leachate, yet some people call it worm tea. Most experts call worm tea something else -- a counsel bid to emanate a reduction to flow on plants that I'm too early in a routine to have done. we will contend that my bin is moist, yet not so wet that there has been drainage. I've discovered a peculiar worm from a collection bin, yet not some-more than a dump or dual of liquid. Since bins evolve, this competence change. The pattern is also finished for worms who tumble down there to be means to yield behind up.
I'm adding updates adequate to see this will get unmanageable before too long, so I'll announce them here, yet place them in comments. :)
Latest update, 10/26/10, see initial page of comments.
73 of 73 people found a following examination helpful.
Great! The worms are eating my kitchen scraps.
It's been about a month and my worms seem happy and delighted in their bedding. we started with one tray, afterwards gradually combined 2 more. They are relocating adult and down a trays, removing into a food bits during any level. we fragment aged newspapers, drop them in rainwater, fist out to "damp-sponge wetness", afterwards widespread it around a tray. A good commission of a worms like to hang out in a newsprint and eat that.
The pack comes with all we need solely a worms. It's really easy to set adult with a enclosed instruction manual. The enclosed palm hillside is accessible to brew unfeeling and fruit bits in with a wet paper. Kit also includes a coir section (which we dampen and widespread for their initial bedding), scraper, and thermometer. It's been unseasonably cold in Louisiana, so, like a new parent, we lonesome a pack with a sweeping to isolate a worms. The box has given been changed from porch to square where it catches a morning sun. The worms seem to be excellent with a temp. extremes, as prolonged as they don't get too impassioned possibly way.
I systematic 2 lbs. of worms from Uncle Jim's Worm Farm and there seemed to be some-more than adequate for a Worm Factory, so after a integrate of weeks we eliminated a handful of worms to my strange compost bin,a converted cosmetic rubbish can with holes drilled in a sides. Since we emanate a good qty. of daily kitchen waste, we put a additional into my strange compost bin. The worms are doing their pursuit there, too.
As recommended, don't feed them beef scraps, or dairy...spoils and sours a pile. Citrus flay is also a no no, too poison and too delayed to mangle down. we also vanquish cleared egg shells in with a food, that gives their gizzards a courage they need to digest food. The egg shells also supplement alkaline calcium that helps to change a ph level.
Unit also generates compost tea, that is a outcome of dampness leaching by a worm bedding and castings. It is installed with plant nutrients and profitable germ for your flourishing plants! Mix it in your watering can and a life cycle continues!
This is a good product! It will yield we an easy approach to go immature (even if we live in an apartment), revoke your rubbish going to landfills, and yield nutrients for your garden. To boot, when we confirm to go fishing, you're all set.
47 of 47 people found a following examination helpful.
Easier than we thought
By Bagger V
I was shaken about composting with worms, yet have been vacant during how tiny time it takes. I've had a Worm Factory 360 for about 3 months now and haven't had any problem with bad smells. we have it on my really tiny screened in porch (lanai as we call it in Florida) and no one even notices it. we started with 1 lb of worms yet competence suggest 2 lbs if we have lots of food waste. we suspect we have an normal volume for a two-person domicile and after 3 months, there are roughly adequate worms to keep adult with a waste. we generally feed a worms once or twice a week and infrequently spin on a hose projection to a Mist sourroundings to supplement moisture. we would theory that we spend 10 - 15 mins per week. Of march a initial set-up took a bit longer and harvesting a castings from a bottom tray will also take a tiny some-more time.
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