Sunday, January 1, 2012

Better High School Graduation Rates May Be An Illusion

Better High School Graduation Rates May Be An Illusion

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Bella's 'Breaking Dawn' Wedding Dress For Less

Bella's 'Breaking Dawn' Wedding Dress For Less

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Britain to miss migration target says think-tank

Britain to miss migration target says think-tank

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Australia takes 1-0 lead over Spain at Hopman Cup

Australia takes 1-0 lead over Spain at Hopman Cup

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100,000 Students to See Fewer Pell Grant Dollars

100,000 Students to See Fewer Pell Grant Dollars

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Bundesbank chief says Germany must fight deficit

Bundesbank chief says Germany must fight deficit

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Argentine rider dies following Dakar Rally crash

Argentine rider dies following Dakar Rally crash

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Spain beats Australia at Hopman Cup

Spain beats Australia at Hopman Cup

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Exxon Mobil: $908 M awarded in Venezuela dispute

Exxon Mobil: $908 M awarded in Venezuela dispute

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Shell CEO keeping close eye on Petroplus: report

Shell CEO keeping close eye on Petroplus: report

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LG to sell 55-inch TV using new ultra-thin tech

LG to sell 55-inch TV using new ultra-thin tech

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French defense minister backs Taliban talks

French defense minister backs Taliban talks

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Feeling marginalized, some Iraq Sunnis eye autonomy

Feeling marginalized, some Iraq Sunnis eye autonomy

BAGHDAD (Reuters) - Amjad Abdul-Salam is one of a flourishing series of Iraqis who contend a apart state for his associate Sunni Muslims is a usually approach to stop a nation shifting behind into narrow-minded chaos.

Tensions between Iraq's Sunni and Shi'ite Muslims are rising after a United States pulled out a final of a infantry on Dec 18, withdrawal a nation run by a frail togetherness government.

Hours after a exit, Shi'ite Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki sparked a misfortune political crisis in a year by announcing an detain aver for a Sunni clamp boss on charges he led genocide squads. The premier also attempted to get his Sunni emissary fired.

Sunnis are a minority in Iraq though for decades hold a reins of energy underneath tyrant Saddam Hussein. Many contend they have felt marginalized given a 2003 U.S.-led advance that defeated Saddam and paved a approach for a arise of a Shi'ite majority.

Abdul-Salam, a Sunni economics connoisseur who runs a stationery emporium in Baghdad, sees small wish in a destiny for his 3 children.

"Living in an Iraq where Shi'ites are determining energy and many pivotal jobs while we are always looked during as supporters of Saddam will not be tolerated," pronounced Abdul-Salam, 38.

"Without autonomy, Iraq will strike stone bottom and polite fight and unconstrained domestic crises will not be averted. This is a summary that all politicians should understand."

The predicament triggered by Maliki's pierce opposite Vice President Tareq al-Hashemi threatens a power-sharing supervision that includes a Shi'ite National Alliance, Sunni-backed Iraqiya and Kurdish lawmakers.

Politicians took 9 months after an vague choosing in 2010 to form what was called a "unity" government. Having Sunnis in a understanding was seen as critical to reanimate narrow-minded wounds.

But on Dec 22, a few days after a domestic predicament erupted, bombings in generally Shi'ite areas rocked Iraq's capital, murdering 72 people.

A self-murder automobile explosve during a interior method in Baghdad final Monday killed 7 people. Police sources pronounced authorities believed insurgents targeted a building in punish for a detain aver for Hashemi.

"Sunni annoy will be on a arise in a short-term, generally until a predicament is resolved in an nurse and consensual demeanour - that doesn't demeanour expected during this point," pronounced Ranj Alaaldin, a comparison associate with Certus Intelligence.

"That's essentially given Maliki's actions demeanour designed privately for a functions of targeting a Sunni community, (to) dispossess them of dual critical member in supervision and dual people who occur to be Maliki's biggest rivals in Baghdad."


Hashemi and Deputy Prime Minister Saleh al-Mutlaq are both members of Iraqiya, a cross-sectarian confederation that rode clever Sunni support to initial place in a 2010 parliamentary election.

But it unsuccessful to secure a infancy and finished adult fasten an nervous bloc underneath Maliki, who has been premier given 2006.

Discontent is widespread in Sunni strongholds like Diyala and Salahuddin provinces, that have demanded some-more autonomy.

The calls for liberty risk fuelling serve narrow-minded friction. Maliki has pronounced liberty could lead to bloodshed, though some comparison Sunni leaders have come out in preference of it and council orator Osama al-Nujaifi has described it as a inherent right.

In September, tensions rose between Shi'ite-majority Kerbala range and Sunni-dominated Anbar when an waylay of Shi'ite pilgrims re-ignited an aged argument over a doubtful area of desert.

While a tensions have eased, Sunni genealogical sheikhs in Anbar have complained they feel alienated by a executive government.

"The approach Maliki is traffic with his (supposed partners) is opening a window for narrow-minded strife. Maliki is regulating media to muster his Shi'ite supporters opposite Sunni tip leaders ... This is wrong, this is personification with glow while sitting beside a fuel tank," pronounced Sheikh Daham al-Esawi from Anbar province.

Baghdad complains a tribes happen in internal supervision affairs and confidence officials contend genealogical spats have done a area exposed to a quip by affiliates of al Qaeda.


"We wish to discharge sectarianism. So we ask, since do they (politicians) wish to move it behind ... All a problems are being caused by domestic wrangling," pronounced 42-year-old herbal medicine dilettante Um Bilal, a Sunni Muslim.

Some Sunnis contend they are discriminated opposite when sport for work. "When we request for a job, a categorical questions they ask me are what my surname is and where we live," pronounced 23-year-old impoverished college connoisseur Rasha, referring to dual methods used to reap an Iraqi's group but directly asking.

"When my father used to speak about sectarianism, we always suspicion he was exaggerating ... (But now) we feel things will turn worse and worse and worse. They consider we are (Vice President) Hashemi's supporters and given of this, we should disappear," she said, disappearing to give her final name given of fears for her safety.

(Additional stating by Ahmed Rasheed, Aseel Kami and Saad Shalash in Baghdad and Fadhel al-Badrani in Falluja)

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Range Rover, Jaguar,and Jimmy Choo Shoes Highlight SEC's Prime Bank Case

Range Rover, Jaguar,and Jimmy Choo Shoes Highlight SEC's Prime Bank Case

Way down in Paragraph 26 of a Securities and Exchange Commission’s (“SEC”) , we see it, we can review it, and it gives we a clarity of how nonetheless another financial rascal was launched opposite hoodwinked investors:

The defendants betrothed investors unusual earnings of adult to twenty times a principal volume invested with small or no risk. To mistreat them into desiring a supposed investment was legitimate, a defendants supposing investors with papers containing incomprehensible legal-sounding terms and references to self-existent financial instruments and institutions. To deflect off serve inquiries, that competence have supposing information investors could have checked for themselves and found out about a fraud, investors were told that confidentiality and privacy mandate prevented a defendants from providing sum of a investments.

What is this all about? Well, for starters, On Nov 30, 2011, a SEC filed an coercion movement underneath sign in emperor justice in Washington D.C. and performed an puncture justice sequence to hindrance a Prime Bank scheme. Thereafter, on Dec 5, 2011, a Court unblocked a action.

The SEC’s Complaint alleges that from during slightest Aug 2010 defendants Frank L. Pavlico, III, a/kIa Frank Lorenzo, and Brynee K. Baylor and entities they control, including defendants The Milan Group, Inc., a/k/a The Milan Trading Group, Inc., and Baylor & Jackson, P.L.L.C.  conducted a "Prime Bank" intrigue that defrauded during slightest thirteen investors out of approximately $2.1 million. we wish we to digest a full heading of a Complaint so that we can conclude a concern of this matter:

(Civil Action No. 11-cv-02132 (RMC) (D.D.C. Nov. 30, 2011)

NOTE: The SEC  Complaint is usually an allegation, and a defendants are reputed trusting unless or until proven guilty.

When we're articulate about supposed "Prime Banks" in these scams, we're not articulate about any bank that we would expected know.  Oh, sure, as partial of a criminal artists' patter, they might dump some names. You might hear references to Citibank or UBS or Bank of America or JP Morgan -- though they're not concerned other than being victimized by carrying their names thrown into a rubbish bin.  What we might hear about are illusory institutions such as a International Clearing Bank of a Caribbean Economic Authorities.  You like that one?  we done it up, took me about dual seconds.

You might also be told that non-circulating bank remittances concerned in emperor debt recertification are accessible on a floating basement by distribution of a Royal Bank of Emirates Limited or a Brazilian Developmental Petrochemical Bank. These non-circulating emperor debt recertifications are famous in a trade as NSDRs and are accessible in monetized units of $100,000 theme to explanation of eligibility for offshore financial chain by a arising authority. Yup -- done all of that adult too, each singular thing in this paragraph. Just since it sounds considerable and a warn positive we of a bona fides, doesn't meant jack.  Wise up, people!

If a SEC's allegations are eventually proven true, what we got here is nonetheless another in a long, long, prolonged line of Prime Bank scams.

READ: (Street Sweeper) for some clarity of a story and inlet of these rip-offs.

Despite all a warnings that are abundantly and prominently posted on countless websites, we theory a lot of wannabe investors don’t unequivocally know a need to commence due industry â€" even rudimentary.


The Complaint serve alleges that defendants Pavlico and Baylor offering intensity investors unusual earnings -- in one example, adult to twenty times a strange investment within forty-five days. If we weren’t sent using for a hills when pumped with those artificial promises, we were afterwards told that a investment concerned no risk . Uh huh, certain â€" because wouldn’t a no-risk investment offer 20 times earnings within a month and a half. On tip of that, a defendants allegedly betrothed that your principal would be returned if a successful bank instrument transaction was not completed.

You got that? Twenty times return. Only a 45-day investment window. No risk. Full lapse of principal if your investment is not placed as promised.  we can also get we a Brooklyn Bridge for no income down and your sum out-of-pocket cost is locked-in during $32,000 and a $5,000 doing assign (payable to me adult front).

As remarkable in (Street Sweeper), we seem to have a series of lawyers behaving as pitch-men and â€"women in these transactions. The Complaint alleges that suspect Baylor “cloaked these offers in legitimacy by behaving by her ability as a protected contention and by identifying herself and her Washingt;on, D.C. law firm, B&J, as warn for Milan and enchanting in a intrigue by B&J."  As if a authorised contention indispensable another black eye.

I quite like how a SEC didn’t dance around with niceties in this movement and truly attempted to let destiny victims know usually what is concerned in these Prime Bank scams. Pointedly, a Complaint warns that:

[C]ontrary to their representations, Pavlico and Baylor never used financier supports to lease, leverage, or trade any supposed unfamiliar bank instruments. Instead, Pavlico and Baylor used financier income to squeeze oppulance cars such as a Range Rover and a Jaguar, make purchases during costly restaurants and retailers including Jimmy Choo, compensate for a outing to a Bahamas, compensate other personal expenses, compensate B&J business expenses, and make payments to a service defendants.

Alas, I've grown sleepy of sounding a alarm. You wanna buy a square of a Prime Bank note?  Go ahead, be my guest. Don't do any research. Believe a unbelievable. Just do me a preference -- don't send me an email suggesting that we do nonetheless another story about this nonsense.

Finally, compliments to a SEC on not usually relocating comparatively fast though putting together a constrained Complaint.

News referensi

Nasdaq stocks posting largest percentage decreases

Nasdaq stocks posting largest percentage decreases

NEW YORK (Reuters) - Shaky Europe. Political gridlock. Volatile markets. Familiar themes for those who lived by 2011, and investors should be prepared to revisit them subsequent year. With a spiraling debt predicament in Europe, domestic shake around a world, and exploding creditworthiness in vital industrial nations, 2011 …

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Former heavyweight champ Frazier remembered in SC

Former heavyweight champ Frazier remembered in SC

BEAUFORT, S.C. (AP) â€" Long before he became Smokin' Joe, a destiny heavyweight champion was famous in his South Carolina hometown as "Billy Boy" â€" a splay farmer's son who honed his harmful left offshoot on a punching bag done from a flour pouch pressed with corn cobs, rags and Spanish moss.

Joe Frazier would make Philadelphia his adopted home, yet his roots ran low in a sandy dirt of a South Carolina seashore where he was innate in 1944. More than 250 family members and friends collected Wednesday for a church commemorative use nearby his hometown of Beaufort.

"He was Joe Frazier to a world, yet he was a Uncle Billy," pronounced Dannette Frazier, one of about a dozen of Frazier's nieces and nephews who still live nearby a 10-acre plantation where a warrior was raised.

Frazier died Nov. 7 from cancer during age 67.

The South Carolina use had nothing of a luminary accoutrements of Frazier's wake Monday in Philadelphia, where Jesse Jackson delivered a acknowledgment to a assemblage including Muhammad Ali, former heavyweight champ Larry Holmes and upholder Don King.

Also absent from a use during Bethesda Christian Fellowship on St. Helena Island was Frazier's body. In place of his casket, dual vast portraits of Frazier stood during a church tabernacle â€" one of him wearing a Olympic bullion award he won in 1964; a other taken with his large heavyweight champion belt slung over his shoulder.

After a church service, dozens some-more collected for an outside commemorative during a waterfront park unaware a Beaufort River. Frazier's daughter, Jacqui Frazier Lyde of Philadelphia, told a throng she regretted that she was incompetent to pierce his box behind to South Carolina.

"I feel like, as a zephyr is blowing, my father's suggestion is here," Lyde said. "Because this is his home."

Lyde pronounced her father was being buried in a blue fit and obvious leather shoes. "He looked like one of God's men."

Frazier spent his initial 15 years in Beaufort on a plantation where his relatives grew corn, watermelon and okra. Frazier's father was unapproachable that he was not a sharecropper. He owned his land.

By age 6, Frazier was in a fields assisting his brothers and sisters collect tomatoes and other crops. He began pushing his father's pickup lorry when he was 7. His mom would after remember Frazier started to quarrel around a age of 9.

Frazier's father speedy a brawling, observant he could grow adult to be a subsequent Joe Louis, and Frazier started training with whatever materials he had during hand. The warrior after pronounced he gave daily beatings to his homemade punching bag for several years.

Frazier was diminished from propagandize in a ninth-grade when he fought a white tyro for pursuit his mom names. He got a pursuit operative construction that helped him build his physique and acquire adequate income to leave a South. In 1959, during age 15, Frazier bought a sheet and boarded a sight to New York to start training as a warrior in earnest.

"I left a South as shortly as we found out about a North," Frazier after told a biographer.

At a outside service, that finished with a normal boxers' sendoff of a toll bell, Beaufort Mayor Billy Keyserling lamented that Frazier had to leave a segregated South to grasp success.

Frazier's home state done some justification a year ago when he returned to Beaufort to be awarded a Order of a Palmetto, South Carolina's tip municipal honor.

"He showed that with determination, with fight, with fortify and with stamina we can go to a top," a mayor said. "It is a good respect that somebody who grew adult in this city brings that summary to all."

Frazier done revisit trips behind to South Carolina, where some family members still live along a highway named after him in Beaufort.

Family and friends pronounced he elite to expostulate rather than fly or a take a train, since Fraizer stayed on a pierce after her arrived.

"He'd spend 3 or 4 days here since he had to revisit everybody," Danette Frazier said.

At a church service, Dannette Frazier removed how her Uncle Billy rushed home to Beaufort a integrate of years ago when her mother, Rebecca Hall Frazier, died.

She laughed during a memory of how Frazier gathering a 700 miles from Philly to Beaufort, even yet "he was legally blind."

Frazier arrived safely nonetheless.

"He said, 'It was easy. we only looked during a tail lights in front of me,'" Dannette Frazier said. "That's a amatory uncle we knew."

News referensi

What James Franco NYU Grade Lawsuit Tells Us About Universities

What James Franco NYU Grade Lawsuit Tells Us About Universities

WINSTON-SALEM, North Carolina (Reuters) - Laws that need electorate to benefaction print marker during a polls, commend same-sex polite unions and aim to shorten bootleg immigration are among a state measures holding outcome on New Year's Day. Measures upheld in 2011, that numbered scarcely 40,000 opposite a country, …

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Vermaelen out of Fulham clash

Vermaelen out of Fulham clash

Cincinnati manager Butch Jones rang a bell on a Liberty Bowl trophy, fervent to get a Bearcats' celebration started.

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Olympics at risk from shadowy fixers says minister

Olympics at risk from shadowy fixers says minister

SINGAPORE (Reuters) - A clever trembler with a bulk of 7.0 jolted eastern and northeastern Japan on Sunday, though there were no evident reports of injuries or indemnification and no tsunami warning was issued. The trembler totalled 4 in executive Tokyo, Fukushima and their surrounding areas on a Japanese power scale, …

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