Saturday, December 24, 2011

Picture Taken On December 2, 2011 Showing Images AFP/Getty Images

Picture Taken On December 2, 2011 Showing Images AFP/Getty Images

Vick, Eagles kick Cowboys 20-7 in snoozer

News referensi

Alfred Angelo to Replicate Bella Swan’s Wedding Dress

Alfred Angelo to Replicate Bella Swan’s Wedding Dress

CHICAGO (Reuters) - Holiday travelers via many of a United States are removing a present of good continue to assistance their transport skeleton this Christmas Eve. On Sunday, Christmas Day, during slightest 99-percent of a nation will not have any snowflakes in a air, AccuWeather reported. "It doesn't get most quieter than this, …

News referensi

People of Faith Succeed in Curtailing Cuts to Programs for Vulnerable People

People of Faith Succeed in Curtailing Cuts to Programs for Vulnerable People


Contact: Kristen Youngblood, +1-202-688-1118 office, +1-202-423-7379 cell,, or Racine Tucker-Hamilton, +1-202-688-1138 office, +1-301-922-8417 cell,, both of Bread for a World

WASHINGTON, Dec. 23, 2011 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- With Congress' last-minute prolongation of unemployment benefits, Bread for a World is celebrating startling success in avoiding cuts to programs focused on inspired and bad people over a march of 2011.

"We will need a stability swell of advocacy for bad people in 2012," pronounced Rev. David Beckmann, boss of Bread for a World. "But we can be speedy by what Bread for a World and a groups who worked with us helped to grasp in 2011."

In April, a House of Representatives' bill due deep cuts in supervision spending over 10 years, with two-thirds of those cuts destined to programs focused on bad people. In August, Congress and a boss concluded on a Budget Control Act, that mandates across-the-board spending cuts of $2 trillion over 10 years--but, remarkably, exempts some of a categorical programs focused on bad people in a United States from these involuntary cuts.

"This is a outrageous victory," pronounced Beckmann. "We will need to work tough in 2012 to say what we have won and to urge programs such as WIC and general growth assistance that will be strike by a across-the-board cuts."

The House of Representatives also voted for deep, evident cuts in general aid. Their due cut in food assist would have separated food assist rations for 14 million of a world's many unfortunate people. But Bread for a World mobilized a network and helped lift together an rare bloc of organizations that caring about a public aspects of U.S. general relations. In a appropriations bills that finally upheld Congress, there were no poignant cuts to a general assist programs that assistance to revoke poverty.

Congress finished a year with nonetheless another standoff, this time melancholy to lift payroll taxes for all operative Americans and chuck scarcely 2 million people off stagnation word in January. Millions of people who accept stagnation word are on a corner of poverty. In a end, a House of Representatives concluded to a two-month prolongation of a stream law.

Beckmann sums adult a year: "We still face heated and formidable domestic pressures to cut spending, generally spending that helps bad people. But we appreciate God that Congress and a President done decisions this year that will revoke sovereign deficits, nonetheless avoided low cuts in programs that assistance families who are struggling to feed their children. This is a conspicuous achievement, generally for a faith groups that rallied to form a round of insurance around inspired and bad people. It is also reason to give interjection to God."

Bread for a World ( is a common Christian voice propelling a nation's preference makers to finish craving during home and abroad.

SOURCE Bread for a World


News referensi

Newsmaker: UK's loyal, gaffe-prone consort taken ill

Newsmaker: UK's loyal, gaffe-prone consort taken ill

LONDON (Reuters) - Britain's Prince Philip, who was taken to sanatorium with chest pains on Friday, has warranted a repute as a constant and industrious consort with a bold clarity of amusement and a bent to make politically incorrect gaffes.

The longest portion join in British history, Philip married Queen Elizabeth in 1947 and has been by her side given her accession in 1952.

A wandering acknowledgement about "slitty eyes" during a revisit to China in a 1980s became mystic of his plain-spoken and mostly defenceless manner, that contrasted with a smiling picture of a black and other British royals.

While furloughed Australia in 2002, a king asked an Aborigine either they still threw spears during any other.

He done a headlines 3 years progressing when he pronounced to members of a British Deaf Association who were examination a shrill low-pitched band: "Deaf? If you're nearby there, no consternation you're deaf."

Another acknowledgement that dissapoint some was a throwaway acknowledgement to a Scottish pushing instructor in 1995: "How do we keep a locals off a drink prolonged adequate to pass a test?"

Asked in a singular radio talk in Jun either a media had been astray to him, he told a BBC: "I suppose, yes, spasmodic though we consider it has a possess bulletin and, and that's it, we only have to live with it."


Beyond a knockabout headlines about a male dubbed "Phil a Greek," a king warranted honour for his untiring work with scores of charities and as a queen's join on central engagements.

He carried out thousands of central visits during home and abroad, many recently assembly crowds in Australia and Ireland.

Philip helped hundreds of thousands of immature people with his Duke of Edinburgh's Award, a module designed to assistance participants strech their potential.

He has been seen as a strong and remarkably healthy impression with a affinity for outside pursuits. The king was taken to sanatorium in eastern England for tests after pang from chest heedfulness while staying during a Sandringham stately estate for Christmas, Buckingham Palace said.

A successor of Queen Victoria, Philip was innate during a family home "Mon Repos" on a Greek island of Corfu on Jun 10, 1921 to Prince Andrew of Greece and Princess Alice of Battenberg.

After portion in a Royal Navy, he married Elizabeth during Westminster Abbey in 1947. Their initial son and heir, Charles, was innate during Buckingham Palace in 1948, followed by Anne (1950), Andrew (1960) and Edward (1964).

The king gave a season of his no-nonsense proceed to life in a BBC talk when he was asked to simulate on either he had been a success.

"I couldn't caring less," he said. "Who cares what we consider about it, we meant it's ridiculous."

(Editing by Giles Elgood)

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Registration starts for Iran's parliamentary poll

Registration starts for Iran's parliamentary poll

TEHRAN, Iran (AP) â€" Iran on Saturday began induction intensity possibilities for Mar parliamentary elections, a opinion that will be generally tough fought between supporters and opponents of President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad within a regressive camp.

The country's vital reformist groups are staying out of a race, claiming that simple mandate for giveaway and satisfactory elections have not been met.

In their absence, a check for a 290-seat public is expected to array tough possibilities who sojourn staunchly constant to a country's Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei opposite conservatives who support Ahmadinejad.

Whatever a outcome, a opinion is doubtful to change Iran's course. The nation is a theocracy and Khamenei has final contend on all state matters.

The Mar 2 elections will be a initial national balloting given Ahmadinejad's doubtful re-election in 2009, that a antithesis pronounced was heavily rigged. That opinion set off months of near-daily protests in that hundreds of thousands took to a streets in support of antithesis personality Mir Hossein Mousavi who they claimed was a legitimate winner.

The call of protests was a biggest plea to Iran's ecclesiastic care given it came to energy in a 1979 Islamic Revolution. But a complicated crackdown suppressed a protests, and many in a antithesis â€" from midlevel domestic total to travel activists, reporters and tellurian rights workers â€" were arrested. The antithesis has not been means to reason a vital criticism given Dec 2009.

For a Mar elections, a Interior Ministry is in assign of a weeklong registration process. All Iranian nationals between 30 and 75 years of age who reason a master's grade and have "proven themselves to be loyal" to Khamenei are authorised to run. Once submitted, candidacies have to be authorized by a tough inherent watchdog famous as a Guardian Council.

The council's chief, Ayatollah Ahmad Jannati, has pronounced a reformists, whom he called traitors, need not participate. His matter was widely seen as an denote a tough physique would invalidate anyone viewed as a reformist from running.

In a prior parliamentary elections, in 2008, a legislature unfit thousands of reformist candidates.

Former President Mohammad Khatami, a reformist, recently demanded that domestic prisoners be liberated and that Mousavi and another opposition leader, Mahdi Karroubi, be expelled from residence arrest. Khatami pronounced those were preconditions for reformists participating in a Mar polling. None have so distant been met.

Ali Mohammad Gharibani, a distinguished reformist leader, reliable final week that a reformists will stay out of a race.

"Despite efforts ... to emanate an suitable choosing climate, unfortunately some-more restrictions have been imposed," pronounced Gharibani, who runs a Reformist Front Coordination Council. "Therefore, a legislature has motionless that it won't emanate any choosing list and won't support anyone."

A vital reformist party, a Islamic Revolution Mojahedeen Organization, or IRMO, pronounced in a matter expelled Saturday that it would also protest a vote. The matter was expelled outward Iran and posted on a website, that is blocked inside Iran.

"IRMO ... won't margin any possibilities in this sham choosing and won't vote. It calls on all reformist army not to give in to ... vigour from a rulers who have oral with a denunciation of force and dishonesty to a people ... and continue their polite insubordination by refusing to register," it said.

The organisation pronounced reformist parties including IRMO have been forcefully dissolved, and had their websites blocked and their leaders jailed, withdrawal their sympathizers with no approach to rivet in giveaway domestic activity.

Hard-liners contend a hazard to a statute complement now comes from Ahmadinejad's supporters. The boss has been a aim of a recoil given Apr for perplexing to levy too most liberty in how a supervision is run, including defying Khamenei on his choice for a absolute post of comprehension minister.

Dozens of Ahmadinejad's allies have been incarcerated over a past months â€" including 4 comparison supervision officials during a summer â€" in a elaborating energy struggle.

(This chronicle CORRECTS that 4 comparison supervision officials were incarcerated in a summer).)

News referensi

Obama Thanks Congress For Passing Bill, Says More Work Ahead

Obama Thanks Congress For Passing Bill, Says More Work Ahead

As scientists during a CERN Large Hadron Collider in Geneva, Switzerland continue their hunt for a fugitive Higgs boson "God particle," one physicist has built a reverence to their work wholly out of Lego bricks. Sascha Mehlhase, a researcher during a Niels Bohr … Continue reading â†'

News referensi

NKorean heir called 'supreme leader' of military

NKorean heir called 'supreme leader' of military

PYONGYANG, North Korea (AP) â€" North Korea hailed Kim Jong Il's son as "supreme leader" of a 1.2-million clever military, ramping adult a debate to implement a immature male as a subsequent personality of a comrade republic even as millions continue anguish a father a week after his death.

Kim Jong Un done a third revisit Saturday to a house where his father's physique is fibbing in state â€" this time as "supreme personality of a insubordinate armed forces" and accompanied by North Korea's tip troops brass, according to a executive Korean Central News Agency.

The new pretension and open uncover of support from a troops care sent a clever vigilance that a republic will say Kim Jong Il's "military first" process for a time being.

Earlier Saturday, a journal Rodong Sinmun, orator of a statute Workers' Party, also famous a immature man's management over a troops by job him "supreme commander" of a armed forces.

Kim Jong Un, who is in his late 20s and was denounced in Sep 2010 as his father's choice as successor, will be a third-generation Kim to sequence a republic of 24 million. His father and grandfather led a nation underneath opposite titles, and it stays misleading that other titles will be bestowed on a grandson.

Kim Il Sung, who founded North Korea in 1948, retains a pretension of "eternal president" even after his genocide in 1994.

Son Kim Jong Il ruled as authority of a National Defense Commission, autarchic commander of a Korean People's Army and ubiquitous secretary of a Workers' Party.

Kim Jong Un was promoted to four-star ubiquitous and allocated a clamp authority of a Central Military Commission of a Workers' Party. He had been approaching to assume a series of other pivotal posts while being neat to attain his father.

His father's genocide comes during a supportive time for North Korea, that was in a center of negotiations with a U.S. on restarting talks to idle a North's arch weapons module in sell for aid, and had been scheming for 2012 celebrations imprinting Kim Il Sung's 100th birthday. Suffering from a shortfall in simple staples after several oppressive seasons, officials also had been seeking for assistance feeding a people.

North Korea has emphasized a Kim family bequest during a sped-up period transformation for Kim Jong Un. State media invoked Kim Il Sung in dogmatic a people's support for a subsequent leader, comparing a arise to Kim Jong Il's ascent to "supreme commander" accurately 20 years ago Saturday.

At a Kumsusan Memorial Palace, Kim Jong Un and comparison commanders paid wordless reverence to a late leader, "praying for his immortality," KCNA said. The troops also affianced a faithfulness to Kim Jong Un, a news said.

"Let a whole army sojourn loyal to a care of Kim Jong Un over a army," KCNA reported â€" a oath suggestive of those done when Kim Jong Il was named autarchic commander.

The call to convene behind Kim Jong Un, dubbed a "Great Successor" in a arise of his father's genocide on Dec. 17 from a heart attack, comes amid displays of grief opposite North Korea. The nation is to sojourn in an executive state of anguish until after Kim's wake Wednesday and a commemorative Thursday.

In Pyongyang, mourners continued Saturday to crawl and lay flowers during Kim's mural during plazas and supervision buildings, including a Pyongyang Circus Theater and Kim Il Sung Square, even as temperatures forsaken to 14 degrees next Celsius (7 degrees Fahrenheit).

At a Apr 25 People's Army House of Culture, workers during libation kiosks handed bubbling cups of H2O to vibrating mourners, including children bundled adult in colorful thick parkas. A pointer urged mourners to unfreeze out inside a exhilarated bus.

The sequence to yield food and warming huts for mourners came from Kim Jong Un, officials said.

Earlier, a mob of North Koreans climbed stairs and placed flowers and wreaths orderly in a quarrel next a mural of Kim Jong Il as honest song filled a atmosphere and immature uniformed soldiers, their heads shaved, bent before his picture.

A pathetic Jong Myong Hui, a Pyongyang citizen holding a mangle from shoveling snow, told AP Television News that she came out willingly to "clear a approach for Kim Jong Il's final journey."

For days, life in Pyongyang has come to a standstill, with shops and restaurants closed. Downtown Koryo Hotel, one of several in Pyongyang catering to foreigners, was scarcely empty.

But there are signs that a nation is commencement to pierce on.

"Streets, buses and a metro are all swarming with people going to their work. They are not giving approach simply to sorrow," KCNA said. "They are removing over a passing of their leader, promoted by a clever will to closely convene around reputable Comrade Kim Jong Un."

Among a mourners in Pyongyang was a youngest son of Unification Church owner Rev. Sun Myung Moon, who is approaching to take over a multibillion-dollar eremite and business sovereignty founded by his father in South Korea.

The Rev. Hyung-jin Moon helped lift a spray to a categorical anguish site during Kim Il Sung Square in executive Pyongyang. The American-born Moon had been in North Korea progressing in a month. The church has several business interests in North Korea.

The Korean peninsula has remained in a technical state of fight given a Koreas' 1950-53 conflict, though dual groups from South Korea have perceived accede from a South Korean supervision to revisit a North to compensate their respects, South Korea's Unification Ministry orator Choi Boh-seon pronounced Saturday.

One organisation will be led by a widow of former President Kim Dae-jung, who hold a landmark limit with Kim Jong Il in 2000, and a other by a mother of a late businessman with ties to a North.

Citizens in Pyongyang, meanwhile, perceived a special present from a late Kim Jong Il: loads of fish. State-run media pronounced Kim was disturbed about a supply of fish in Pyongyang and had looked into a matter a day before he died.

Rodong Sinmun showed a print of a lady covering her mouth in unhappiness and thankfulness as she watched loads of herring and walleye pollack being distributed during a swarming grocery store where they were piled adult in baskets.


Associated Press author Foster Klug in Seoul, South Korea, and AP Korea business arch Jean H. Lee contributed to this report. Follow them on Twitter during and

News referensi

Beach Boys reuniting for new album, tour in 2012

Beach Boys reuniting for new album, tour in 2012

(Reuters) - Iconic California roller band The Beach Boys will reunite in 2012 to recover a new manuscript and embark on a 50-date worldwide tour celebrating their 50th anniversary, a rope pronounced on Friday.

Members Brian Wilson, Mike Love, Al Jardine, Bruce Johnston and David Marks, who were all concerned in early versions of The Beach Boys rope in a 1960s, when their celebrity rose due to a recognition of songs such as "Surfin' USA," "California Girls" and "Good Vibrations," are producing a new record after a 15-year studio manuscript hiatus.

"This anniversary is special to me since we skip a boys, and it will be a disturb for me to make a new record and be on theatre with them again," Wilson, 69, pronounced in a statement.

Singer Love, 70, combined "It was a disturb to be around a piano again with Brian, Alan and Bruce and knowledge firsthand a luminosity of Cousin Brian's present for outspoken arrangements."

The still untitled new manuscript will be expelled in April, and be tied to a 50-date debate starting during Jazz Fest in New Orleans that is partial of their 50th anniversary debate spotlighting a band's career, song catalog with commemorative releases.

The Beach Boys struck their initial chords in Hawthorne, California in 1961, with brothers Brian, Carl and Dennis Wilson, their cousin Love and propagandize crony Al Jardin. Johnston and Marks assimilated after versions of a Beach Boys to fill in for vacating members.

The rope became famous for their upbeat songs about California's untroubled beach lifestyle, pioneering a sound for surf-rock. Their albums enclosed "Pet Sounds" and "Smile."

The Beach Boys reason a pretension for America's top-selling rope according to Nielsen SoundScan figures, and also reason a record for a many Billboard Top 40 draft hits with 36 songs.

Despite a deaths of Dennis and Carl Wilson in 1983 and 1998, respectively, a rope have continued to debate successfully over a years. They have perceived countless accolades including a Grammy Lifetime Achievement endowment and an initiation into a Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in 1988.

(Reporting by Piya Sinha-Roy; Editing by Bob Tourtellotte)

News referensi

Ron Paul Denies Writing the 'Coming Race War' Letter He Signed

Ron Paul Denies Writing the 'Coming Race War' Letter He Signed

Ron Paul's orator says the  bearing his signature that warns of a "coming competition war." He usually sealed it, he says. Spokesman Jesse Benton told Talking Points Memo in an email on Friday that Paul "did not write that mail square and disavows a content." But before to that Paul's Iowa chair Drew Ivers told them that Paul took "responsibility" for a mailer though did not share a impassioned views contained in it (Hey, it's only a giveaway market! Paul's newsletter association was only provision what his subscribers demanded!) But Benton also disavowed that statement: “Drew Ivers is a good man and leader, though he was not vocalization on interest of a debate and is not proficient adequate with a emanate to have a facts.”  Paul himself hasn't indeed come out and pronounced anything about a mailing, that was a representation for people to allow to his newsletters. He seeking him about a newsletters themselves progressing this week. As The Atlantic Wire's , that spotlight resplendent on Paul's conduct has begun to expel a bit of heat. 

News referensi

Banana tycoon shakes up Russian ballet

Banana tycoon shakes up Russian ballet

MOSCOW (Reuters) - Russian aristocrat Vladimir Kekhman done a happening offering bananas.

Now he has a new idea in life: ballet.

Using a kind of business savvy honed from a decade during a helm of a country's largest fruit association he has staged a still manoeuvre d'etat in Russia's firmly weave dance universe this year, luring star dancers pided from Moscow's Bolshoi Theatre.

Many in a ballet universe were dumbfounded when Natalia Osipova and Ivan Vasiliev quit the Bolshoi final month to pointer with St. Petersburg's small famous Mikhailovsky Theatre.

Earlier this year, Kekhman alien Spanish choreographer Nacho Duato to turn a initial immigrant to lead a Russian ballet unit in a century during a Mikhailovsky.

In a new talk with Reuters, Kekhman pronounced he also had his eye on a Bolshoi's David Hallberg, one of a tip form acquisitions and a initial American principal dancer.

"We customarily get a dancers we want," pronounced Kekhman, who founded his Joint Fruit Company in 1997 and became ubiquitous executive of St Petersburg's Mikhailovsky Theatre in 2007.

"David Hallberg is no exception. Even yet he chose a Bolshoi when we offering him a position with us, we consider he can still dance (as a guest star) during a Mikhailovsky. There is a lot he can do here," he said.

The tip of attracting a ballet's large names, Kekhman says, is to recompense dancers for fasten a smaller entertainment with artistic leisure though also apartments and "decent" salaries.

Kekhman, 43, who went behind to propagandize and graduated from a St Petersburg State Academy of Theatrical Arts in 2009, has so distant invested $50 million into modernizing a Mikhailovsky.

"All of a principal dancers get a marketplace price. That's how we reason onto a best performers since many of them are prepared to scapegoat income for status of a Bolshoi," he said.


The 19th-century Mikhailovsky Theatre is eclipsed in St. Petersburg by a improved famous Mariinsky Ballet.

But Kekhman pronounced his entertainment was not essay to be a world's tip ballet though to do something opposite and do it well.

"There are many theatres job themselves No. 1," Kekhman said, gazing frequently during mixed iPhones.

"My idea now is to make Mikhailovsky a world's No. 2 theatre."

He pronounced a entertainment does not follow costly entertainment sets or costumes, generally as Duato's complicated ballets mostly need minimalist entertainment and are mostly danced but pointes.

"The Bolshoi and a Mariinsky use their code names. They spend a ton of income on costly decorations, while we consider it is best to deposit in performers and choreographers," he said.

Running on a bill some 10 times smaller than a emblematic Moscow and St Petersburg theatres, a Mikhailovsky is hard-pressed to contest on normal presentation.

Last year, a entertainment perceived 358 million rubles ($11.5 million) in state subsidies, and warranted another 186 million from sheet sales.

Donations from Russian businesses, including Russian oil writer Rosneft, sum about 50 million rubles ($1.6 million), Kekhman said, insisting he frequency invests any of his personal income anymore.

For now, he pronounced he has no skeleton for after his agreement expires in 2013.

"Right now we am totally consumed with a Mikhailovsky," he said.

(Reporting by Nastassia Astrasheuskaya and Olga Sichkar; Editing by Alissa de Carbonnel)

News referensi

Busiest Christmas for Deliveries Offers Challenge to Couriers Says Shiply

Busiest Christmas for Deliveries Offers Challenge to Couriers Says Shiply

Managing Director of Shiply () Robert Matthams speaks about a trends in online shopping and a hurdles faced by courier services over a bustling Christmas period.

London, UK (PRWEB) Dec 19, 2011

An rare series of online sales this holiday deteriorate could yield a estimable logistical plea according to online ride marketplace Shiply. Making certain that everybody gets their gifts on time will direct a estimable bid on a partial of and delivery services.

The week finale Dec 9 saw a 15% arise on a same duration final year with identical increases reported of a initial 39 days of a holiday deteriorate according to comScore. Sales on “Cyber Monday” and “Black Friday” rose some-more than 20% compared to 2010.

The entrance week tends to be a busiest for online shopping, “Green Monday” coined by eBay mostly ranks among a tip spending days. However new trends such as giveaway shipping days (the final day before Christmas where giveaway smoothness can be guaranteed to strech before a 25th) might be severe for a top spend.

An forlorn series of parcels have caused Royal Mail to sinecure thousands of proxy staff to cope with increasing direct over Dec and potentially January, to understanding with a sales. But with a postal use handling during a detriment and confronting pursuit cuts, online retailers mostly rest on eccentric couriers and services to yield affordable delivery, though some smoothness companies are already struggling to keep adult with final of 4 million parcels to be delivered each day.

Robert Matthams, Managing Director of Shiply () a online ride marketplace with a network of some-more than 40,000 ride and , gives his opinion on a stream trends in online selling and a hurdles faced by smoothness services.

“Last year’s severe continue caused a lot of high travel closures that led people to spin to online shopping, though since of a sleet many deliveries were behind causing a lot of frustration.

Online selling is easier and some-more permitted now and with a expansion of mobile exchange and softened security, many people who wouldn’t have shopped online before are now doing so. we doubt we’ll see anything though expansion in a future.

November/December is always a bustling duration for deliveries and we wish that couriers have schooled from past practice that there’s a outrageous swell in direct during this time of year and done contingencies to cope with it. The supervision has betrothed to improved cope with any sleet this year and have some-more salt and new gritters to provide roads. So we would contend that people can have some-more certainty in their deliveries or relocating products this year, though we would also advise that business don’t leave it to a final minute”

Founded in 2008, matches people wanting to pierce products with ride companies going there anyway. Over 25% of lorries run totally dull of load and over 50% run usually part-full. By enabling consumers and businesses to make use of this gangling capacity, dramatically cuts down on CO2 emissions, increases a profitability of ride companies and saves a consumer adult to 75%.


Robert Matthams


News referensi

Troops hit protesters marching into Yemen capital

Troops hit protesters marching into Yemen capital

SANAA, Yemen (AP) â€" More than 100,000 protesters who entered Yemen's collateral Saturday after a 4-day impetus from another city were pounded by chosen infantry constant to outgoing President Ali Abdullah Saleh, who non-stop glow with guns, H2O cannons and rip gas. Medical officials pronounced during slightest 3 protesters were killed, including a woman.

The throng of protesters had marched from Taiz, a city that has been a vital antithesis core 170 miles (270 kilometers) to a south. The initial of a kind protest, called a Mar of Life, directed to put vigour on a country's new supervision not to extend Saleh shield from prosecution.

The assault underlined a fortitude misunderstanding in Yemen even after Saleh sealed a U.S.- and Saudi-backed understanding final month by that he handed his powers to his clamp boss and committed to step down totally in lapse for immunity.

Protesters who rallied by a thousands for a past 10 months deserted a deal, perfectionist Saleh be attempted for his bloody crackdown on their movement.

At a same time, Saleh has seemed to continue to practice change by his kin and loyalists still in their positions, even after Vice President Abed Rabbo Mansour Hadi shaped a togetherness supervision between a antithesis and statute party. Forces constant to Saleh have defied orders to withdrew from a streets of Sanaa after a deadline was reached Saturday to do so.

The marchers Saturday were perplexing to pass down a categorical opening on that a presidential house is located when it was met during Sanaa's southern opening by a force from a Republican Guard, that is systematic by Saleh's son, and Central Security forces, led by Saleh's nephew, corroborated by tanks.

Troops dismissed to sunder a crowd, who responded by throwing stones.

A medic during a scene, Mohammed el-Qoutbi, says 3 protesters including a lady were killed, and some-more than 30 people were harmed by gunshots and rip gas.

As clashes went on, thousands of protesters camping in Sanaa's Change Square, that is a epicenter of Yemen's criticism movement, marched to a stage to join in. The protesters were cordoned by confidence army before reaching a site of clashes. Witnesses pronounced they saw tanks and artillery units from troops camps around a collateral also streamer to a site.

In a evening, Hadi, who heads a Military Committee in assign of preserving confidence and finale troops appearance in a streets, systematic a Republican Guard and other confidence army to open a approach for a protesters to continue marching. The army eventually did let a protesters continue their impetus after general ambassadors operative with Hadi also intervened, officials said, vocalization on condition of anonymity given they were not certified to plead a behind-the-scenes efforts.

The impetus came as Yemen's council convened Saturday for a initial time given antithesis and eccentric lawmakers dangling their appearance in Mar to criticism a crackdown opposite protesters.

Lawmakers were to plead a module of a new inhabitant togetherness government, headed by maestro eccentric politician Mohammed Basindwa.

On Dec. 7, Basindwa pronounced a supervision will concentration on providing open services to a people, including electricity, water, fuel and simple line together with restoring confidence and stability.

Services and confidence have been in brief supply during a disturbance in Yemen, a lowest nation in a Arab world.

However, a appearance in a nation of Saleh, his sons, family members and loyalists who still reason pivotal positions could poise a plea to a new administration.

News referensi

RIM stock sinks yet again as floor proves elusive

RIM stock sinks yet again as floor proves elusive

TORONTO (Reuters) - The steep decrease in a cost of Research In Motion stock has left a market capitalization of a BlackBerry builder subsequent a value of a cash, receivables and other current assets.

Shares in a Canadian smartphone builder fell another 4 percent, to reduction than $13, on a Nasdaq on Monday.

The shares fell 11 percent on Friday after RIM offering a gloomy opinion and pronounced it was loitering recover of a make-or-break new smartphones until late 2012.

They have mislaid some-more than half their value given a day before stating second entertain gain behind in September.

The tumble gives RIM a marketplace capitalization of reduction than $7 billion. RIM final week pronounced it had stream resources - that embody short-term investments and ignored register - of $7.2 billion.

That does not embody long-term investments, skill and unsubstantial resources such as patents. RIM values those additional resources during about $7 billion.

"The problem is it's a tech batch where income and gain are disappearing year-over-year and a fundamentals are deteriorating," pronounced Susquehanna Financial researcher Jeff Fidacaro, who considers $12 a probable floor, formed mostly on a gratefulness of RIM's patents and a services business.

RIM is struggling to pierce a smartphones opposite to a QNX handling complement that powers a poorly-received PlayBook inscription computer. Even during a stream price, intensity acquirers are seen as expected to lay behind until a switch is done, definition there is no takeover reward to extent a fall.

"The plea becomes for a healthy acquirer to see that formation plea internally," pronounced Fidacaro, who points to a Feb program refurbish for a PlayBook as a subsequent intensity certain matter for a stock.

RIM has suffered this year by a large network outage, a deteriorating U.S. marketplace share and a fibre of botched and behind product launches, with a shares slumping from a high of some-more than $70 in Feb to a stream level, a lowest given early in 2004, when RIM was only adding a tone shade to a "email pagers".

But it's still posting plain quarterly sales - money upsurge from operations was $1.8 billion in a third entertain - distinct a unsuccessful or struggling companies it is mostly compared to.

"It's not Palm that everybody is disturbed about," Fidacaro said, referring to a former opposition that burnt by money as it fought to energise itself. Palm was after bought by Hewlett-Packard.

RIM pronounced it will spend $100 million to foster a BlackBerry 7 phones, that JMP Securities researcher Alex Gauna pronounced will be mortal to sentiment.

"Investors are expected to worry over a change to money expenditure and hence erosion in discernible book value that a batch is shutting on," he wrote.

"Worse, consumers that tumble chase to promotional activities expected come pided unhappy in feeble behaving and cart devices, hence deepening repairs to a code forward of Blackberry 10," he said, referring to a QNX-based inclination primarily betrothed for early in 2012 though now due out late subsequent year.

(Reporting by Alastair Sharp; modifying by Janet Guttsman and Jeffrey Hodgson)

News referensi

Sarajevans moved by Angelina Jolie war film

Sarajevans moved by Angelina Jolie war film

Ten-year-old Angie Vazquez has turn an Internet phenom belting out a soulful cover of Brit cocktail star Adele's "Rolling in a Deep." In an online video clearly shot during home, her teenage brothers Abelardo and Gustavo play a keyboard, guitar and drums.

News referensi

Zynga Lands With A Thud, Fannie And Freddie Charges Don't Rile Markets

Zynga Lands With A Thud, Fannie And Freddie Charges Don't Rile Markets

had a still finish to a hilly week Friday, when a hotly-anticipated initial open offering fell flat, small else spurred shopping into a weekend and a vital averages drifted to a sincerely prosaic finish.

Zynga was a day’s biggest story, after a amicable gaming association labelled a IPO during $10 per share Friday. A jumpy marketplace was not gainful to a large benefit for a latest new entry, and yet a batch traded as high as $11.50 it spent many of a event in a red and sealed 5% next a IPO cost during $9.50.

There was copiousness of seductiveness in Zynga â€" usually shares of altered hands some-more frequently among U.S.-listed bonds Friday â€" yet a first-day detriment is frequency sparkling for a prohibited tech IPO.

A down day in ubiquitous was zero to be ashamed of Friday, as an early convene for a broader marketplace had small staying power. A tame acceleration reading â€" U.S. consumer prices were adult usually 0.2% in Nov â€" was cited as intensity cover for some-more Federal Reserve efforts to crow a economy, yet by a shutting bell a marketplace was radically flat. and futures expirations expected combined to a day’s choppiness.

The Dow Jones industrial average slipped 2 points to 11,866, a S&P 500 gained 4 points to 2,647 and a Nasdaq was a best performer, adding 14 points to 2,555 for a 0.6% gain. Oddly adequate was a vital drag on a Dow, even yet a batch is a index’s best performer year to date.

In one of a day's biggest stories, despite one that had small impact on a market, a SEC slapped bonds rascal on 6 former executives of debt giants and Freddie Mac, including Daniel Mudd and Richard Syron, who were arch executives during a government-sponsored enterprises during a housing bubble. The financial predicament that resulted when that burble detonate lead a supervision to put both firms in conservatorship. (See )

Europe’s debt predicament reared a conduct again, as Fitch Ratings pronounced it “has resolved that a ‘comprehensive solution’ to a eurozone predicament is technically and politically over reach.” The ratings group pronounced it might hillside Italy, Spain, Ireland, Belgium, Slovenia and Cyprus and would usually contend that France’s AAA is secure for a time being, reworking a opinion to negative. Standard & Poor’s put a AAA ratings of France and Germany on disastrous watch Dec. 5. (See )

Friday's event capped off a diseased five-day widen for a market, that was all yet positive by a three-day slip to start a week. The Dow forsaken 2.6%, a S&P 2.8% and a Nasdaq 3.5%.

News referensi

Pen removed from woman’s stomach after 25 years and still works

Pen removed from woman’s stomach after 25 years and still works

A CT indicate of a 25-year-lodged pen

A 76-year-old British lady recently , and doctors were repelled to learn that after 25 years of rehearsal a coop still works.

The British Medical Journal Case Reports who has not been identified, was sent to a GI dilettante after several symptoms, including weight loss. When doctors scanned a woman's abdominal tract, they discovered, "A linear unfamiliar physique in a stomach." After a discovery, a lady pronounced she remembered incidentally swallowing a black felt-tip pen, some-more than a entertain century ago.

While a coop was corroded after dual decades of bearing to stomach acid, it still contained serviceable ink and could be used for writing.

More from a news by Dr. Oliver Richard Waters:

While she was interrogating a mark on her tonsil with a coop she slipped, fell and swallowed a coop by mistake. Her father and ubiquitous practitioner discharged her story and plain abdominal films finished during a time were reported as normal. A gastroscopy demonstrated a cosmetic felt-tip coop sitting in a lumen of a stomach but justification of any gastric damage.

Even yet a coop was apparently not associated to a woman's stream health issues, doctors went forward and private it anyway. In maybe a bit of dry humor, Dr. Waters resolved in his report:

This box highlights that plain abdominal x-rays might not brand ingested cosmetic objects and spasmodic it might be value desiring a patient's comment however doubtful it might be.

Other renouned Yahoo! News stories:




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Urban Robotics Extends Octree Format to Point Cloud Library Open Source Community

Urban Robotics Extends Octree Format to Point Cloud Library Open Source Community

Urban Robotics' Highly Scalable 3D Octree-based Format Lays Foundation for Large-Scale Point Cloud Application Standards

Portland, Ore. (PRWEB) Dec 19, 2011

., a heading provider of three-dimensional (3D) imaging sensors, program and algorithms, currently announced it is origination a rarely scalable, spatially searchable and colorized 3D octree-based point cloud format accessible to a (PCL) community.

PCL is a standalone, vast scale, open source plan for 3D indicate cloud processing. of Menlo Park, Calif., launched PCL in March, to assistance accelerate 3D algorithmic work associated to robotic applications. It is giveaway for investigate and blurb use. The further of Urban Robotics’ program formula to PCL lays a substructure for a origination of a standardised format for large-scale 3D applications.

Urban Robotics grown a to good store and conduct data, and to residence hurdles associated to a fast estimate of vast 3D images during daily operations.

“The categorical plea with upheld LAS and XYZ indicate cloud record formats is that they do not scale efficiently. Octree information structures yield an superb proceed to offer turn of fact support that good beam to intensely vast datasets,” pronounced Geoff Peters, CEO, Urban Robotics.

Octree formats also concede 3D point cloud data to be spatially indexed and queried, as good as yield a ability to encode picture tone and other metadata.

“Inpidual companies are challenged by vast indicate clouds and, as a result, finish adult building exclusive information structures to support 3D cognisance and strategy of these vast information sets,” pronounced Radu Rusu, investigate scientist during Willow Garage and PCL founder. “This fragmented proceed to indicate cloud information is holding behind a attention from building truly insubordinate products.”

Urban Robotics will work with Willow Garage to pier a octree-based format to a in early 2012.

“We wish a grant to PCL will assistance settle open standards not only for LIDAR data, though also for a rising unenlightened and vast 3D datasets extracted from customary imagery,” pronounced Peters.

The Point Cloud Library is upheld by vast numbers of engineers, scientists and organizations around a world. “Urban Robotics' octree-based format is a vicious member that will concede innovative companies to concentration on 3D product growth contra core member development,” pronounced Rusu.

About Urban Robotics

Urban Robotics, founded in 2003, is a heading provider of three-dimensional (3D) imaging sensors, program and algorithms for a intelligence, notice and reconnoitering (ISR) and remote intuiting markets. Urban Robotics provides one-stop selling for finish digital imagery systems, from collection to post-processing and information management. Its products embody aerial 3DEO and NearIR digital sensor systems, high opening aerial and belligerent mechanism clusters, and programmed 3D algorithms and services for fast generating vast mapping and displaying datasets. Its unenlightened 3D descent record is sensor agnostic, can be practical to vast picture sets and is scalable for cloud computing. To find out more, greatfully revisit .

About Willow Garage

Willow Garage develops hardware and open source software for a personal robotics industry. It is formed in Menlo Park, Calif., and has grown a beta hardware height called Personal Robot 2 (PR2), and a list of open source program platforms including a Robot Operating System (ROS), a 2D Computer Vision library OpenCV, and a 3D Point Cloud Library (PCL). The program that Willow Garage contributes to a PCL open source horizon is BSD-licensed, origination it totally giveaway for anyone to use, change, or commercialize, with a idea of providing robotics record clarity and certain governmental impact. The association actively engages investigate labs and companies as partners, collaborators, business and advisors in a growth of both their hardware height and open source software, and also supports researchers with appropriation open source work. For some-more information, visit: .


Lisa Oelsner
Urban Robotics
(425) 577-0881

News referensi

Another protest in Moscow draws tens of thousands

Another protest in Moscow draws tens of thousands

MOSCOW (AP) â€" Tens of thousands of demonstrators rallied in a Russian collateral Saturday in a largest criticism so distant opposite choosing fraud, signaling flourishing snub over Prime Minister Vladimir Putin's 12-year rule.

The proof in Moscow was even bigger than a identical criticism dual weeks ago, nonetheless rallies in other cities in a distant easterly and Siberia progressing in a day drew most smaller crowds than on Dec. 10. The demonstrations are a largest uncover of displeasure a republic has seen given a 1991 Soviet collapse.

Rally participants densely packaged a extended avenue, that has room for scarcely 100,000 people, about 2.5 kilometers (some 1.5 miles) from a Kremlin, on a snowy day. They chanted "Russia though Putin!"

A theatre during a finish of a 700-meter (0.43 mile) entrance featured placards reading "Russia will be free" and "This choosing Is a farce." Heavy military cordons encircled a participants, who stood within steel barriers, and a military helicopter hovered overhead.

The new protests in Moscow and other cities have dented Putin's management as he seeks to retrieve a presidency in a Mar vote. The Kremlin has responded by earnest a set of domestic reforms that would concede some-more domestic foe in destiny elections.

But criticism leaders contend they will continue pulling for a rerun of a Dec. 4 parliamentary choosing and punishment for officials indicted of opinion fraud. They contend progressing movement is pivotal to forcing Putin's supervision to accept their demands.

"We don't trust him," antithesis personality Boris Nemtsov told a rally, propelling protesters to accumulate again subsequent month to make certain that a due changes are put into law.

Nemtsov called on a demonstrators to go to a polls in Mar to replace Putin. "A burglar contingency not lay in a Kremlin," he said.

"We wish to behind those who are fighting for a rights," pronounced 16-year-old Darya Andryukhina, who pronounced she had also attended a prior rally.

"People have come here since they wish respect," pronounced Tamara Voronina, 54, who pronounced she was unapproachable of her 3 sons, who had also assimilated a protest.

The protests simulate a flourishing open disappointment with Putin, who ruled Russia as boss in 2000-2008 and has remained a No. 1 personality after relocating into a primary minister's chair due to a inherent tenure limit.

Putin has indicted a United States of fomenting a protests in sequence to break Russia and has said, sarcastically, that he suspicion a white ribbons many protesters wear as an button were condoms.

In a response to Putin's stormy rhetoric, one protester Saturday hold a design montage of Putin with his conduct wrapped in a condom like a grandmother's headscarf. Another hold a pointer saying: "Hillary, I'm still watchful for my money," referring to U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton.

"We can't endure such a uncover of disregard for a people, for a whole nation," publisher and song censor Artyomy Troitsky pronounced in a debate during a rally. He wore a white robe that resembled a condom, derisive Putin's comment.

Although Putin has derided a demonstrators as Western stooges, he has also sought to palliate open annoy by earnest to relax his hold on a domestic scene.

He has betrothed to liberalize registration manners for antithesis parties and revive a approach choosing of governors he abolished in 2004. Putin's substitute as president, Dmitry Medvedev, spelled out those and other due changes in Thursday's state-of-the republic address, earnest to revive approach elections to fill half of a seats in council and palliate manners for a presidential election.

Some antithesis leaders welcomed a proposals, though stressed a need for a protests to continue to force a Kremlin to fast spin a promises into law.

"These measures are insufficient," pronounced Arina Zhukova, 45, another member in Saturday's rally. "They are dictated to ease people down and forestall them from display adult during rallies."

The electoral changes, however, will usually request to a new choosing cycle years away, and a antithesis has stressed a need to concentration on preventing rascal in a Mar presidential choosing and ascent a combined plea to Putin.

In another pointer of a authorities' efforts to branch a waves of open anger, a presidential tellurian rights elect early Saturday released a matter condemning violations in a opinion and subsidy protesters' calls for a ouster of Central Election Commission arch Vladimir Churov.

It pronounced that allegations of widespread rascal have led to a "moral and domestic discrediting of a choosing complement and a reduce residence of parliament, formulating a genuine hazard to a Russian state."


Vladimir Isachenkov contributed to this report.

News referensi

UK police We beat attack on royal wedding website

UK police We beat attack on royal wedding website

LONDON (AP) â€" Scotland Yard's cybercrime unit helped deflect off an conflict on a central website of Britain's royal wedding in April, a pision's arch pronounced Tuesday.

Det. Supt. Charlie McMurdie told a London cybersecurity discussion that movement was taken to guarantee a site, that perceived 15 million hits when Prince William married Kate Middleton on Apr 29.

McMurdie done a comments in flitting during a Royal United Services Institute, a invulnerability consider tank. Asked for some-more information by The Associated Press, she pronounced her section had "been called in" to understanding with an attack.

She declined to go into any serve detail, though a Scotland Yard orator asked about a box pronounced a 16-year-old had been incarcerated on Oct. 10 in propinquity to "a suspected try to inspire others to dedicate a distributed denial-of-service attack."

Such attacks work by bombarding websites with fraudulent trade in an try to overcome them.

The orator pronounced a teen is out on bail and has nonetheless to be charged. He spoke anonymously in line with force policy.

The stately marriage was a large Internet event, with providers observant it might have been a many heavily live-streamed eventuality ever. Many websites, including a BBC and YouTube's stately channel, spasmodic struggled to cope underneath a aria of a traffic.

The central stately marriage website pronounced that, during the peak, it was doing some-more than 2,000 requests a second.



Royal United Services Institute:

The Royal Wedding website:

News referensi

More explosions, gunfire hit northeastern Nigerian city

More explosions, gunfire hit northeastern Nigerian city

Fresh explosions and gunfire strike a Nigerian city of Damaturu on Friday as authorities battled suspected Islamist group members, with during slightest 8 people killed, including dual comparison policemen.

Residents reported saying truckloads of soldiers nearing in Damaturu and pronounced authorities gave them 30 mins to leave a community of Pompomari. Some took retreat during a city's executive mosque, one proprietor said.

"Our group have been battling with Boko Haram members," pronounced Lawan Tanko, police commissioner for a northeastern state of Yobe, where Damaturu is located.

"Our group have been creation attempts to go into a residence they have been regulating as a hideout to defuse explosives, though they are confronting some insurgency from a Boko Haram elements who are detonating explosives and banishment shots."

The explosions and gunfire halted after in a day, residents reported. A troops source pronounced soldiers had cordoned off a community and were conducting door-to-door searches.

According to a source, a bodies of dual comparison troops officers -- an partner commissioner and a commander of mobile troops in Damaturu -- had been found, both passed from gunshot wounds.

"We have launched a cordon-and-search operation in Pompomari and Sabon Fegi areas of a city in hunt of members of Boko Haram, weapons and explosives," a troops source said.

One Pompomari proprietor pronounced by phone that "we have all fled a homes," adding that he had taken retreat in a mosque.

"We were given 30 mins by soldiers to leave and they were about to launch an descent on a Boko Haram members," he said.

Unrest pennyless out on Thursday in Damaturu and dual other northeastern cities, Maiduguri and Potiskum. At slightest 6 people were killed, including 4 policemen and a municipal in Potiskum and a infantryman in Damaturu.

Those bleeding enclosed 7 troops officers and a 10-year-old child who was shot, a medical source said.

Maiduguri has borne a brunt of a assault attributed to Boko Haram, that has claimed shortcoming for scores of attacks in a north as good as a Aug self-murder bombing of UN domicile in a collateral Abuja that killed during slightest 24.

Tanko had pronounced Thursday night that suspected Boko Haram members had carried out bombings and shootings in Damaturu.

He pronounced he did not have sum on casualties, though combined that a church and a troops unit outpost were burnt. He pronounced a enemy had been detered and pushed toward Potiskum.

A troops orator in Maiduguri pronounced mixed blasts strike a city on Thursday, though could not give serve details. An army source pronounced 6 explosions were heard.

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Mojave ATV Riders Died on Impact After Plunging 400 Feet

Mojave ATV Riders Died on Impact After Plunging 400 Feet

BERKELEY, Calif (Reuters) - A stay of anti-Wall Street protesters in Berkeley, California, has all though dead underneath vigour from police, who have returned regularly to make a night curfew, authorities pronounced on Friday. The Occupy Berkeley stay in a magnanimous Northern California college city was one of a dwindling …

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Bundesliga club Berlin sign new coach Michael Skibbe

Bundesliga club Berlin sign new coach Michael Skibbe

Dwyane Wade and LeBron James are famous to brawl like brothers. They screamed during one another some-more than once during Miami Heat playoff games final season. And when they're on conflicting teams in practice, they conflict a other like they would any opponent.

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