COMMENTARY | Christmas. It's a special time of year, when we set aside differences and strech out to any other to sell knowledge of joy, adore and a normal wish for assent on Earth, good will toward man. So, in a suggestion of this holiday season, we have a special list of gifts we would like to give to my favorite politicians.
Ron Paul
Considering his paranoia and gusto for embracing sinful supervision plots, we would like to give a Texas deputy a three-bedroom explosve preserve where he and his dear friends and associate swindling theorists and Jesse Ventura can spend unconstrained hours operative any other adult into a frothy frenzy as they evenly expose each one of a government's sinful schemes opposite a universe and a adults via a whole contemptible history.
Joe Biden
Duct tape. From to , a male clearly doesn't know when to stop talking.
Barack Obama
A long-range remote-controlled Biden taser.
Herman Cain
With his apparent affinity for a ladies, we would give a former Republican presidential candidate a 9 ladies dancing from ". we suspicion about adding a 8 maids-a-milking, though that would only be pier on.
Mitt Romney
-- and .
Michele Bachmann
To a adorably fact-challenged Republican presidential hopeful we would give a -- preloaded. The initial installment would be a book on American story wherein she competence learn that , not New Hampshire and that John Quincy Adams was a ninth boss of a United States, not one of a Founding Fathers. The second book would be "" by Terry Sullivan and Peter Maiken. After a Washington Times quoted her observant she shares the same "" as a famous Waterloo, Iowa, local it competence assistance her to learn a pointed differences between John Wayne, a actor, and John Wayne Gacy, a sequence killer.
Barney Frank
After his coming on a House building Monday afternoon, sporting a skin-tight blue t-shirt that Real Clear Politics described as " that unprotected what his unclothed chest looks like," we would give a effusive Massachusetts senator a lifetime supply of Cozmo Kramer's eighth invention, differently famous as a "" or a "manzier."
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