Contact: Nancy Ambrosiano of Los Alamos National Laboratory, +1-505-667-0471,
New five-year agreement for technology development includes HPC, data storage, cyber security, cloud computing, analytics, materials science and information sharing, and mobility
LOS ALAMOS, N.M., Dec. 21, 2011 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- Los Alamos National Laboratory currently announced a signing of a new Umbrella CRADA (Cooperative Research and Development Agreement) with . Together, LANL and EMC will enhance, design, build, test, and muster new cutting-edge technologies in an bid to accommodate some of a nation's many formidable information record challenges. The CRADA involves 6 ubiquitous categories of record growth in that LANL and EMC will combine over a subsequent 5 years, including high-performance computing (HPC), information storage, cyber security, data sharing and mobility, cloud computing, large-scale analytics, and materials science.
This initial Project Task Statement (PTS) underneath a Umbrella CRADA is focused on support for a U.S. Department of Energy's Exascale Initiative and other information complete programs. The LANL and EMC collaboration for a Exascale beginning is directed during boosting high-performance computing levels to a exaflops--a thousand-times faster than stream petascale capabilities. The plan involves pattern and growth of an open-source, intensely scalable data-management middleware library called a Parallel Log Structured File System (PLFS), that will be used on a operation of computing platforms from tiny clusters to a largest supercomputers in a world.
"This PLFS judgment has been shown to urge information transformation during impassioned beam by several orders of magnitude," pronounced Gary Grider of LANL's High Performance Computing Division. "Both EMC and LANL are meddlesome in furthering this PLFS open source plan to residence a increasingly formidable data-management problems as a supercomputing universe moves toward exascale-class computing."
"We are anxious to work with some of a nation's biggest scientists during LANL, where a initial petascale supercomputer was deployed, to collaboratively innovate in an bid to assistance say a nations' care in impassioned computing, on a highway to exascale," pronounced Dr. Percy Tzelnic, comparison clamp boss and EMC Fellow.
"The U.S. economy's health is a inhabitant imperative, and vital partnership between a private and open sector--such as EMC and LANL--help LANL sojourn during a slicing corner of scholarship and engineering," pronounced Dr. Alan Bishop, principal associate executive for Science, Technology, and Engineering during LANL.
"Private and open partnership will assistance overcome today's record hurdles compared with a 6 categories summarized in this CRADA. Collaboration between open and private institutions--like LANL and EMC--will assistance a supervision to some-more cost-effectively residence a needs, while delivering a attention during immeasurable with a improved bargain of sovereign hurdles to assistance build a right solutions," pronounced Nick Combs, EMC sovereign arch record officer.
LANL has been during a forefront of HPC given a 1970s. LANL has grown endless capabilities and countless technologies that offer clever intensity for partnership in investigate and growth in immeasurable areas relating to information storage, information sharing, information analysis, cyber security, large-scale modeling, make-believe and analysis, and materials science. EMC is a tellurian personality in enabling businesses and use providers to renovate their operations and broach IT as a service. Through innovative products and services, EMC helps store, manage, strengthen and investigate information in a some-more agile, devoted and cost-efficient way. (Connect with EMC around , , , and .)
About Los Alamos National Laboratory ()
Los Alamos National Laboratory, a multidisciplinary investigate establishment intent in vital scholarship on interest of inhabitant security, is operated by Los Alamos National Security, LLC, a group stoical of Bechtel National, a University of California, The Babcock & Wilcox Company, and URS for a Department of Energy's National Nuclear Security Administration.
Los Alamos enhances inhabitant confidence by ensuring a reserve and trustworthiness of a U.S. chief stockpile, building technologies to revoke threats from weapons of mass destruction, and elucidate problems associated to energy, environment, infrastructure, health, and tellurian confidence concerns.
SOURCE Los Alamos National Laboratory
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