Sunday, December 18, 2011

50 Facts About The U.S. Economy That Will Shock You

50 Facts About The U.S. Economy That Will Shock You

1. A towering of all Americans are possibly deliberate to be “low income” or are vital in poverty.

2. Approximately of all children in a United States are vital in homes that are possibly deliberate to be “low income” or impoverished.

3. If a series of Americans that “wanted jobs” was a same now as it was behind in 2007, a “official” stagnation rate put out by a U.S. government would be adult to .

4. The normal volume of time that a workman stays impoverished in a United States is now .

5. One new consult found that of all U.S. tiny businesses do not devise to sinecure any some-more workers.

6. There are fewer payroll jobs in a United States now even yet we have total 30 million additional people to a race given then.

7. Since Dec 2007, median domicile income in a United States has declined by a sum of once we comment for inflation.

8. According to a Bureau of Labor Statistics, 16.6 million Americans were self-employed behind in Dec 2006. Today, that series has shrunk .

9. A Gallup check from progressing this year found that Americans that do have a pursuit cruise themselves to be underemployed.

10. According to author Paul Osterman, about of all U.S. adults are now operative jobs that compensate poverty-level wages.

11. Back in 1980, of all jobs in a United States were low income jobs. Today, of all jobs in a United States are low income jobs.

12. Back in 1969, 95 percent of all organisation between a ages of 25 and 54 had a job. In July, usually of organisation in that age organisation had a job.

13. One new consult found that would not be means to make a debt or lease remuneration subsequent month if they unexpected mislaid their stream job.

14. The Federal Reserve recently announced that a sum net value of U.S. households declined by in a 3rd entertain of 2011 alone.

15. According to a new investigate conducted by a BlackRock Investment Institute, a ratio of domicile debt to personal income in a United States is now .

16. As a economy has slowed down, so has a series of marriages. According to a Pew Research Center analysis, usually of all Americans that are during slightest 18 years aged are now married. Back in 1960, of all U.S. adults were married.

17. The U.S. Postal Service has mislaid some-more than over a past year.

18. In Stockton, California home prices have declined from where they were during when a housing marketplace peaked.

19. Nevada has had a top foreclosure rate in a republic for in a row.

20. If we can trust it, a median cost of a home in Detroit is now .

21. According to a U.S. Census Bureau, of all homes in a state of Florida are sitting vacant. That figure is 63 percent incomparable than it was only 10 years ago.

22. New home construction in a United States is on gait to set in 2011.

23. As we have created about , 19 percent of all American organisation between a ages of 25 and 34 are now vital with their parents.

24. Electricity bills in a United States have risen faster than a altogether rate of acceleration .

25. According to a Bureau of Economic Analysis, health caring costs accounted for only 9.5 percent of all personal expenditure behind in 1980. Today they comment for approximately .

26. One investigate found that of all operative age Americans possibly have medical check problems or are now profitable off medical debt.

27. If we can trust it, one out of each 7 Americans .

28. The United States spends on products and services from China for each one dollar that China spends on products and services from a United States.

29. It is being projected that a U.S. trade necessity for 2011 will be .

30. The in a United States only continues to get worse. According to a Employee Benefit Research Institute, of all American workers have reduction than $10,000 saved for retirement, and of all American workers have reduction than $1,000 saved for retirement.

31. Today, aged Americans lives next a sovereign misery line.

32. According to a investigate that was only released, CEO compensate during America’s biggest companies rose by in only one new 12 month period.

33. Today, a “” banks are incomparable than ever.  The sum resources of a 6 largest U.S. banks increasing by between Sep 30, 2006 and Sep 30, 2011.

34. The 6 heirs of Wal-Mart owner Sam Walton have a net value that is roughly equal to a of all Americans combined.

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