Monday, December 12, 2011

FBI Says Carrier IQ May Be Used In 'Law Enforcement Proceedings'

FBI Says Carrier IQ May Be Used In 'Law Enforcement Proceedings'

Want to know if Carrier IQ, a dialer- and location-sniffing module commissioned in millions of phones, is being used by a FBI for law coercion investigations? The FBI won't exhibit most about a argumentative application. And because not? Because, a Bureau says, doing so competence meddle with ongoing or impending law coercion investigations.

That's a bizarre and potentially pulgence proof a FBI used progressing this month to repudiate a Freedom of Information request filed by Michael Morisy, a blogger for a website . After a video flush that seemed to uncover a module logging keystrokes and monitoring information trade on a some-more than 140 million phones on it's commissioned by default, Morisy had for any "manuals, papers or other created superintendence used to entrance or investigate information collected by programs grown or deployed by Carrier IQ."

The FBI responded that a element couldn't be provided, and cited an grant to a Freedom of Information law for situations in that handing over papers "could pretty be approaching to meddle with law enforcement proceedings."

Taken on a face, that would seem like accurately a acknowledgment of remoteness advocates' misfortune fears about Carrier IQ: that a module is used as spyware in millions of handsets for law coercion tracking. But in fact, a FBI could also merely be deliberation regulating Carrier IQ in an investigation, or even questioning Carrier itself, that has been . Or, given a Bureau's official confluence to remoteness by default, it's also probable that a FBI simply saw that Morisy was seeking about a square of dark module that competence be used for investigations and denied his ask but even last either it has used or skeleton to use Carrier IQ.

I've put in a call to a FBI and will refurbish this post if we accept a response.

Since Carrier IQ was initial suggested by 25-year aged systems director Trevor Eckhart, a organisation has been during a core of a flourishing liaison that has also enclosed a carriers and handset manufacturers it depends as business including Apple, HTC, Samsung, Sprint and AT&T. All those companies , and Senator Al Franken has perfectionist to know a border of a information Carrier IQ gathers.

Carrier IQ, for a part, has denied collecting information like calm messages and web-surfing annals from phones. "While we demeanour during many aspects of a device’s performance, we are counting and summarizing performance, not recording keystrokes or providing tracking tools," a association wrote to me in a matter progressing this month. Security researcher Dan Rosenberg has that shows it doesn't in fact record texts or any keystrokes other than a phone's dialer, and that it reads usually a URLs a user enters, not a calm of a user's web page. It can also review a user's GPS location.

Though a company's remoteness violations might have been primarily exaggerated, Carrier IQ fanned a abandon by , that instead drew some-more courtesy to a scandal.

Whether or not a module is used by law coercion for espionage on users' phones, a FBI's rejection of Morisy's Freedom of Information ask is also expected to explode only as a company's authorised bullying of Eckhart did. By categorically refusing to answer questions while implying that Carrier IQ can in fact be used as Big Brother spyware, a supervision only poured gas on a remoteness glow Carrier IQ has been desperately perplexing to put out.

[Hat tip to .]

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