Thursday, December 8, 2011

Retiring Magic CEO says keeping Howard is priority

Retiring Magic CEO says keeping Howard is priority

ORLANDO, Fla. (AP) â€" The Magic's timid authority and arch executive officer Bob Vander Weide pronounced Wednesday that his preference to step down had zero to do with a late-night phone call he finished recently to Dwight Howard and that efforts to keep a Magic All-Star continue.

However, ubiquitous manager Otis Smith pronounced a Magic won't assuage to any ask Howard competence have should he confirm to exam a giveaway group waters subsequent summer.

Howard can opt out of his stream agreement a year early and turn a giveaway deputy in Jul 2012.

"At a finish of a day a design is to win a pretension and strengthen this franchise," Smith said. "We're going to do whatever we have to do in sequence to do that. Our design is to keep (Howard) in a uniform, however, if that's not a box afterwards we'll pierce another direction. But a design right now is to keep him in uniform."

Vander Weide, who has worked with a Magic given entrance on in 1992 as clamp boss of basketball operations, had been a CEO and authority given 2010 after formerly portion as group president.

He pronounced during a Wednesday press discussion he has been relocating toward giving adult a authority and CEO reins for some-more than a year and that a new NBA labor negotiations are what behind Wednesday's announcement.

Vander Weide, 53, will stay on in a consulting role, yet will palm off a authority duties to his brother-in-law Dan DeVos. Team boss Alex Martins is holding over as CEO and will be using day-to-day matters.

DeVos will also take Vander Weide's position as a Magic's lead deputy on a NBA Board of Governors.

Vander Weide sought to transparent adult reports that he might have been inebriated when he spoke to Howard in a phone conversation progressing this week.

He pronounced he had 2-3 eyeglasses of booze over a three-hour duration after a amicable eventuality and that he wanted to lapse content and phone messages Howard had left for him. He denied being dipsomaniac when he spoke to Howard.

"We need to be transparent on this, that phone review has not altered my attribute with Dwight," Vander Weide said. "We like any other; we even adore any other as people. He's always reached out to me. That phone call has not altered his feeling about this organization. And third, and maybe not as important, that phone review has zero to do with us being here today."

Vander Weide went on to contend that from his comment in new conversations between he and Howard that he thinks that "mentally Dwight is in a good place" as he contemplates his future.

Asked if a routine to justice Dwight to stay has been a tough one for group officials, Vander Weide seemed to during slightest connote to a 1996 depart of Shaquille O'Neal to a L.A. Lakers when he pronounced prior ones have been.

"It would be genuine transparent historically, carrying finished this with several of your possess giveaway agents, it's a fatiguing process," he said. "But we've schooled from any one and we are doing all we can to make certain Dwight knows this is home for him."

With trade scenarios already swirling, Smith finished it transparent that while a enterprise to re-sign Howard is, of course, a Magic's tip giveaway group priority.

"Our design is to win an NBA pretension and who does that it is NBA basketball teams," Smith said. "And that's what we're going to continue to do. We're going to put a best group on a building to give a Orlando Magic a possibility to win an NBA title. That doesn't indispensably meant we're going to listen to all Dwight has to contend and assuage to that."

Smith pronounced they also would not do it to a wreckage of a Magic's classification idea of winning an NBA title.

The ultimate choice, though, is Howard's.

"We wish him here as prolonged as we can have him here and a classification code is to win a title," he said. "We built a enlightenment here for a reason. That's a reason it's that way. We're doing all of a jobs. I'm doing my job. And during a finish of a day, a preference will come down to him. It's not going to come down to a people sitting during this podium. It's going to come down to Dwight Howard. And afterwards during that indicate we have to make another decision."

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