Monday, March 12, 2012

PlayStation Vita Starter Kit with Memory Card (Accessory)

PlayStation Vita Starter Kit with Memory Card (Accessory)

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Buy new: $39.96
29 used and new from $37.21
Customer Rating: 2.7

First tagged "ripoff" by Adolph P
More Detail Information tags: ps vita(4), playstation(3), sony(3), handheld(2), touchscreen(2), ngp(2), portable, ripoff

Product Description

Get started with a PlayStation Vita Starter Kit with Memory Card. The Starter Kit comes with an collection of 6 must-have accessories that finish your PS Vita knowledge right out of a box. All of a enclosed accessories in this central Starter Kit will work and compare ideally with your PlayStation Vita.

Features: Memory: store your diversion saves, PSN downloads, and personal media on a 4GB PlayStation Vita Memory Card.

Protection: keep your PS Vita stable and purify with a Pocket Pouch, Protective Film, and Cleaning Cloth.

Organize: with a protecting clam bombard pattern that binds adult to 8 games and 2 memory cards, a Card Case will assistance we stay organized.

Full Immersion: a super-light, high-quality, in-ear pattern PS Vita Headphones broach absolute drum and transparent three-way sound for a entirely immersive audio experience.

• The Official PlayStation®Vita Starter Kit with Memory Card
• Includes: 4GB Memory Card, Pocket Pouch, Protective Film, Card Case, Headphones, Cleaning Cloth
• Store diversion saves, PSN downloads, and personal media on a 4GB Memory Card
• Keep your PS Vita stable and purify with a Pocket Pouch, Protective Film, and Cleaning Cloth
• Organize your PlayStation®Vita memory and diversion cards with a Card Case
• Get entirely enthralled in diversion play, media, and over with a super-light, high-quality, in-ear design, PS Vita Headphones

Product Details

  • Amazon Sales Rank: #308 in Video Games
  • Brand: Sony
  • Model: 22047
  • Released on: 2012-02-15
  • Platform: PlayStation Vita
  • Dimensions: .40 pounds


  • Contents: 4GB Memory Card, Pocket Pouch, Protective Film, Card Case, Headphones, Cleaning Cloth

PlayStation Vita Starter Kit with Memory Card (Accessory)

Customer Reviews

Most useful patron reviews

13 of 14 people found a following examination helpful.
4Good Starter Kit

By Danny Martinez

Ok, initial of all, during $40 I'm not blown divided by a kit, though it's unequivocally value a cost in my opinion.

- The tote is usually that, a tote for your system. Enough to keep it purify and protected. Not certain how most insurance it will yield if your PSV falls, though since would we let it tumble in a initial place?

- The shade guardian and cleaning cloth (I can't contend too most since we don't have my PSV yet). The shade guardian seems like it will be a simply adequate install, we am removing a HORI silicone guardian and it looks like it will be compatible. The cleaning cloth is a lot bigger than we expected, so that's good. Other than that, it's usually your customary lint giveaway cleaning cloth.

- The earphones. Actually, reading some of a other reviews, we was awaiting finish crap. While it does feel flattering cheap, a sound peculiarity is indeed not that bad. Some EQ adjusting on your iPod/iPhone/Android/etc, and they are unequivocally keepers. we indeed devise on regulating them now that we have tested them out.

- Game/Memory label case. we like this case, sure, it's something else we have to carry, though it's not too large and it fits 8 games and 2 memory cards. The 4GB memory label will be good adequate for me usually for simple diversion saves, and we have a 32GB and a 8GB that will come with a Launch Bundle. 1 in a system, and a other 2 in a case. Perfect for me. (THE MEMORY CARDS ARE TINY!!! we don't know if that's been stressed adequate haha)

So there we have it, for $40, we cruise it's value it. If we have a income for nicer cases, headphones, bigger memory cards and shade protectors, some-more energy to you, though for those of us on a budget, this container will do a job.

5 of 5 people found a following examination helpful.
5Great product, if these things fit your needs

By T. Cannon

These accessories are by no means "must haves" though they are unequivocally useful if we have a income to drop.

Vita Pocket Pouch
For me, this box is perfect. we have no additional memory/game cards that we need to lift around with me, so we don't need additional pockets or slots. we have a same form of box for a PSP, and it has been accurately what we need and offering adequate protection. That being said, a PSP tote seems to be a bit thicker than a Vita pouch, though if we mostly need a box for blemish protection, afterwards this works great. If we are going a earthy track in your Vita diversion purchases, or we are going to be dropping your Vita from relocating vehicles, afterwards this competence not be a box that we wish to get.

4GB Memory card
This creates adult half a cost of a whole kit, and will get we started on a Vita. Since we am going a digital track with a Vita, we purchased a 32GB card. we competence usually hang on to this 4GB label and emanate a JPN criticism as an swap (early demos and unlocalized JRPGs), so it wasn't a finish rubbish of income for me. If we devise on regulating a PSN to squeeze sell games or even incomparable PSN-only games, we should unequivocally cruise a incomparable card.

Screen Protector
Haven't practical it yet, though we will contend in response to a criticism about this element being abounding and cheap: unequivocally true. You also contingency take into consideration, however, that they have a element already cut to a accurate distance we need, as good as a template on tip for ideal installation. It isn't idiot-proof, though they do make a routine as painless as possible. That depends for something.

Game/Memory Card Case
Like we pronounced before, I'll have no use for it, though it looks and functions great. Everything is unequivocally secure inside, and after a small use we can simply mislay and insert your cards. Small fingers competence help, though a small primer inventiveness will do a job.

Cleaning Cloth
Its your customary cleaning cloth, zero unequivocally out of a typical about it. It has a PSVITA trademark in a corner.

The headphones work great, sounds are crisp. I'm no audiophile, though these sound good. Nothing outstanding, though they'll get a pursuit done.

I privately would have most elite a Starter container with a 32GB label and all of this stuff, though a additional 4GB label will come in accessible one day I'm sure. Figure out your gaming conditions before deliberation a accessories we buy (there are alot with a Vita), and decider a products accordingly. This container is good if it matches your gaming habits. Objectively, these are tip nick products that are unequivocally value a money.

12 of 15 people found a following examination helpful.
5Everything we need to start your vita collection

By Humberto J. Rosales

This container has a simple equipment we will need to start your collection. The tote is unequivocally matching to a tote that was enclosed in a PSP value container years ago. we still have that tote and comparing it to a vita pouch, we can contend is about a same size. The headphones are ok and roughly matching to a ones a PSP enclosed in a same value pack. The disproportion is that now they are black and have a vita logo. The cosmetic diversion box is great, nonetheless it was a small tough to insert a memory label in it. It also comes with a shade guardian though it didn't embody a instructions.. we bought this container since it's a usually approach we could get a pouch, and we indispensable a memory card. Overall we suggest it.

See all 24 patron reviews...

PlayStation Vita Starter Kit with Memory Card (Accessory)

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