Friday, December 16, 2011

Chevron General Counsel Hewitt Pate Lies in Statement About Ecuador Case to Cover Up Liability From Shareholders, says Amazon Defense Coalition

Chevron General Counsel Hewitt Pate Lies in Statement About Ecuador Case to Cover Up Liability From Shareholders, says Amazon Defense Coalition


Ecuadorian Communities Promise Referral to Authorities

WASHINGTON, Dec. 16, 2011 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- Karen Hinton, U.S. orator for a Ecuadorian member of a rainforest communities, expelled a following matter in response to Chevron General Counsel Hewitt Pate's matter today, per a singular environmental clean-up devise due by Petroecuador, Ecuador's state-owned oil company, in areas where a justice found Chevron caused large environmental wickedness and contingency recompense $18 billion in damages:

"Petroecuador's due clean-up devise in areas soiled by Chevron in Ecuador is usually a latest justification of rascal committed by Chevron's supervision group as partial of a unfortunate bid to shun authorised shortcoming for a company's environmental foolishness in Ecuador. A justice in Ecuador -- a forum where Chevron requested a box be listened after it was creatively filed in a United States -- recently found a association probable for roughly $18 billion in indemnification for deliberately causing what experts trust is a misfortune oil-related disaster on a planet.

"This indemnification series is medium compared to a bulk of a mistreat Chevron left in Ecuador and a volume of time (almost 50 years) that mistreat has been vivid a internal population. By approach of comparison, a indemnification comment in Ecuador is distant reduce than a guilt BP faces for a Gulf of Mexico brief even yet a environmental impact in a ethereal ecosystem of Ecuador's Amazon is distant some-more extensive.

"The systematic justification opposite Chevron in Ecuador is strenuous and includes some-more than 64,000 chemical sampling formula that uncover levels of poisonous decay in soils during all of Chevron's 378 former good sites and prolongation comforts in a country. Based on this and other evidence, a Ecuador justice found that Chevron's bungle decimated 5 inland groups and caused an conflict of cancer that continues to bluster thousands of lives. In short, Chevron acted out of pristine fervour in Ecuador to boost a increase by billions of dollars. The justice systematic Chevron to purify adult a repairs and recompense a inland and rancher communities by regulating a ill-gotten gains from a country.

"The plaintiffs of march acquire any suitable remediation efforts and will be operative with Petroecuador to make certain a singular bill for clean-up (reported during $70 million) is used effectively. That volume of funds, during best, could sufficient purify approximately 12 of a 916 rubbish pits Chevron left behind in Ecuador if a association adheres to clean-up norms authorized by many U.S. states and systematic to be used by a Ecuador court. These norms were designed by regulatory authorities worldwide to strengthen tellurian health.

"Hewitt Pate's reference to 'U.N.' norms is dubious as there are no such norms ruling a clean-up of hydrocarbons in soils around rubbish pits. Petroecuador's devise also does not embody remuneration for cleaning adult approximately 900 rubbish pits, supports for a H2O complement to broach purify celebration water, supports for health care, nor supports to recompense a communities for harm. Nor does it embody remuneration for a mistreat suffered over decades by thousands of people who were forced by Chevron to live in a soiled environment.

"Petroecuador's General Manager Marco Calvopina settled clearly that a company's enterprise to assistance purify adult a singular series of rubbish pits has zero to do with Chevron's ultimate guilt as dynamic by a Ecuador court. Reuters wrote that Calvopina said, ' a areas would not volume to holding shortcoming for a pollution.' He also said, 'We're going to record all a cleaning adult that we do since we apparently know that there's a justice box going on.'

"In new weeks, a plaintiffs have reliable several efforts by Chevron or persons behaving on interest of Chevron to offer advantages to Ecuador's supervision and state-oil association in sell for a supervision violating a possess Constitution and quashing a ancestral 18-year authorised box opposite Chevron. Specific justification of these efforts, as good as a gathering of a several frauds Chevron has committed opposite Ecuador's supervision and a citizenry dating behind many years, will be submitted to suitable authorities for serve review and probable movement opposite those in a association guilty of misconduct.

"It is a organisation faith of a plaintiffs that Chevron's CEO, John Watson, and a General Counsel, Hewitt Pate, are orchestrating a intrigue to falsify contribution to strengthen a company's batch cost from a inauspicious consequences of a Ecuador justice visualisation and of probable coercion actions opposite a association in several countries around a world. These coercion actions, that would occur usually if a Ecuador visualisation is endorsed on interest and if Chevron still refuses to reside by a authorised obligations, could have inauspicious consequences for Chevron's operations around a world."

Contact: Karen Hinton, 703-798-3109,

SOURCE Amazon Defense Coalition


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