Thursday, December 22, 2011

Dutch TV hosts dine on fried human buttock, belly

Dutch TV hosts dine on fried human buttock, belly

AMSTERDAM (Reuters) - Two Dutch TV hosts baked and ate any other's flesh, sampling boiled buttock and boiled belly, and pulling a bounds of bad ambience on Wednesday night in a module aired by Dutch broadcaster BNN.

A grocer suggested presenters Dennis Storm and Valerio Zeno on that were a best cuts of human flesh, and a surgeon private a strips of strength from Storm's left buttock impertinence and Zeno's abdomen.

A cook boiled a flesh, and served it to Storm and Zeno with immature asparagus on a side.

Zeno described a knowledge as identical to eating a square of automobile tyre, and took a while to swallow his food on air.

Storm spotless his image a bit faster, and jokingly likened his possess "meat" to Kobe beef since he takes good caring of his physique and health.

"It's sick," pronounced Anna Mees, 25, who watched a show.

Storm and Zeno pronounced they got a thought after saying a film "Alive" about how members of a rugby group ate tellurian strength to tarry after their craft crashed in a remote spot.

"Since afterwards we have always wondered what tellurian strength would ambience like," Zeno told Reuters.

Both Zeno and Storm pronounced they would not do it again since it would engage some-more surgery.

Cannibalism is authorised in a Netherlands.

"Only when it involves maltreatment or when it violates common goodness is cannibalism illegal," Gerard Spong, a Dutch counsel who specialises in rapist law, told Reuters.

Some media, citing BNN, reported that a stunt, shown on scholarship module "Guinea Pigs," was a hoax.

But BNN press officer Thijs Verheij told Reuters that BNN had never pronounced it was a hoax and that a flesh-tasting unequivocally took place. Zeno showed Reuters a injure on his swell where his strength was removed.

The Netherlands has turn a tact belligerent for new TV formats, and brought a existence uncover "Big Brother" to a universe in 1999.

In 2007, BNN aired a "donor show" where an allegedly terminally ill lady would present her kidney to one of 3 possibilities with a kidney problem.

At a finish of that show, a presenter announced that a lady was an singer and that a uncover was a hoax, and that a goal had been to startle people into a realization that a nation lacked adequate donors.

(Editing By Sara Webb and Paul Casciato)

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