Friday, December 9, 2011

Ottawa eyes more dramatic spending cuts: paper

Ottawa eyes more dramatic spending cuts: paper

OTTAWA (Reuters) - The Conservative government might clout sovereign spending by C$8 billion ($7.87 billion) in any of a subsequent 3 years, twice a volume it formerly estimated, La Presse journal pronounced on Friday.

Conservative lawmakers are pulling for a some-more drastic cuts, that would be announced in a bill in early 2012, after Finance Minister Jim Flaherty pronounced final month he would take one year longer than betrothed to change a books, a Montreal French-language paper pronounced citing unnamed members of Prime Minister Stephen Harper's caucus.

"We haven't reputable a electoral promise. We have to now revoke spending most more. We have no choice," a paper quoted one Conservative source as saying.

The bureau of Tony Clement, a apportion in assign of identifying spending cuts, told Reuters on Friday that no final preference has been made.

"Everything is still underneath review," pronounced Jenn Geary, executive of communications for Clement, who is boss of a Treasury Board.

"Across-the-board cuts is not a approach a cabinet is coming this necessity rebate practice ... We are coming this in a obliged manner," she said.

Government departments have been asked to benefaction dual opposite scenarios for tightening their budgets, one that cuts costs by 5 percent and another that cuts by 10 percent. Political sources have indicated that Ottawa is disposition toward a 10 percent option.

The Conservatives won a majority government in a May 2011 choosing on a height of clever mercantile stewardship that enclosed a guarantee to revive Canada's cherished mercantile over-abundance by 2014-15.

Under vigour from a European debt predicament and a diseased U.S. economy, a supervision backtracked from that oath in November. At that time, Ottawa pronounced it would grasp medium assets in a initial dual years of the program, reaching "at least" C$4 billion a year of ongoing assets by 2014-15.

The strange deficit-reduction devise contemplated slicing C$11 billion ($10.8 billion) in government spending over 4 years.

Flaherty will pronounce to reporters during 2 p.m. (1900 GMT) on Friday.

($1=$1.02 Canadian)

(Reporting By Louise Egan; Editing by Peter Galloway)

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