Friday, December 9, 2011

Twitter rolls out major site design, brand pages, mobile apps

Twitter rolls out major site design, brand pages, mobile apps

Twitter has announced a biggest site redesign given a use launched in 2006.

The redesign spans Twitter’s website and iOS and Android apps and facilities a simplified pattern that creates it easier for new users to learn calm and people.

The new Twitter is reduction intimidating for newbies and encourages all users to hang around on a site for longer than ever before (which is good news for Twitter and a advertisers). It also helps Twitter change a picture from a site that is all about trending topics to a place where users can learn violation news, find information and follow a topics that they love.

“We've simplified a pattern to make it easier than ever to follow what we caring about, bond with others and learn something new,” announced Twitter in a Dec 8 blog post. You’ll see this new pattern both on and mobile phones, so that you’ll have a informed knowledge any time, anywhere. We've also updated TweetDeck to be unchanging with this new version.”

The new chronicle of Twitter focuses on 4 pivotal elements of a service: home, connect, learn and me. Each component now has a possess add-on on a site.

Home is where we will find tweets from a people we follow. Tweets are now found on a right-hand side of a page and photos, videos and conversations are embedded in a feed so we don’t have to navigate pided from a home page to follow a conversation.

The “@ Connect” add-on functions in a same approach as a @mentions page did before a redesign. It lets we see who has followed you, favorited your tweets or mentioned your @username in a post.

The “# Discover” add-on is a new, centralized and personalized place to event on engaging users, see a latest trends and find topics that we wish to follow.

The final tab, “Me,” is all about a user. It groups all your information into one form page so other users can fast learn about we and see your photos, your videos, your plcae and links to your website.

The new Tweet symbol has been bound during a tip right of a page so we can send a summary from anywhere within Twitter.

Following in a footsteps of Facebook and Google+, Twitter also announced a launch of code pages. The new pages yield marketers with extended profiles that underline a vast header image. Brand pages also give marketers control over a tweets visitors see when they initial arrive on a form page.

Mobile users will be a initial to learn Twitter’s new blueprint around a , and . The new Twitter pattern will be solemnly rolled out to users over a subsequent few weeks. If we are penetrating to be one of a initial to see a updated website Twitter records that we can “get early entrance on your mechanism by downloading and logging into Twitter for iPhone or Twitter for Android.”

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