Saturday, December 24, 2011

UK police We beat attack on royal wedding website

UK police We beat attack on royal wedding website

LONDON (AP) â€" Scotland Yard's cybercrime unit helped deflect off an conflict on a central website of Britain's royal wedding in April, a pision's arch pronounced Tuesday.

Det. Supt. Charlie McMurdie told a London cybersecurity discussion that movement was taken to guarantee a site, that perceived 15 million hits when Prince William married Kate Middleton on Apr 29.

McMurdie done a comments in flitting during a Royal United Services Institute, a invulnerability consider tank. Asked for some-more information by The Associated Press, she pronounced her section had "been called in" to understanding with an attack.

She declined to go into any serve detail, though a Scotland Yard orator asked about a box pronounced a 16-year-old had been incarcerated on Oct. 10 in propinquity to "a suspected try to inspire others to dedicate a distributed denial-of-service attack."

Such attacks work by bombarding websites with fraudulent trade in an try to overcome them.

The orator pronounced a teen is out on bail and has nonetheless to be charged. He spoke anonymously in line with force policy.

The stately marriage was a large Internet event, with providers observant it might have been a many heavily live-streamed eventuality ever. Many websites, including a BBC and YouTube's stately channel, spasmodic struggled to cope underneath a aria of a traffic.

The central stately marriage website pronounced that, during the peak, it was doing some-more than 2,000 requests a second.



Royal United Services Institute:

The Royal Wedding website:

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