Monday, December 26, 2011

U.S. considering travel request from Yemen's Saleh

U.S. considering travel request from Yemen's Saleh

HONOLULU (Reuters) - The U.S. supervision is perplexing to confirm either to let Yemeni President Ali Abdullah Saleh transport to a United States for medical treatment, White House orator Josh Earnest pronounced on Monday.

Saleh was harmed in a Jun assassination try that forced him into a sanatorium in Saudi Arabia, and eliminated energy to his clamp boss final month after months of protests that brought a Gulf nation to a margin of polite war.

Earnest declined to contend when a preference on either to concede Saleh into a United States would be made, and denied a New York Times news that a embattled Yemeni president's petition was supposed and he could arrive during New York-Presbyterian Hospital as shortly as a finish of this week.

"U.S. officials are fortitude to cruise President Saleh's ask to enter a nation for a solitary purpose of seeking medical treatment, though initial reports that accede has already been postulated are not true," Earnest pronounced in Hawaii, where President Barack Obama is vacationing.

Earlier on Monday, an Obama administration central pronounced Saleh's bureau had contacted a U.S. Embassy in Sanaa to contend a Yemeni personality wanted to get specialized caring in a United States to provide injuries postulated in a assassination attempt.

The try on Saleh's life came after he attempted to steep a power-transfer settle brokered by Gulf Arab nations, sparking transport battles that ravaged tools of a capital.


Hundreds of people were killed during months of protests seeking Saleh's ouster. The domestic deadlock reignited simmering conflicts with separatists and militants, lifting fears that Yemen's al Qaeda wing could take a foothold on a borders of Saudi Arabia, a world's tip oil exporter.

Allowing Saleh, who ruled Yemen for some-more than 3 decades, to get diagnosis in a United States could undercut Obama's summary of ancillary pro-democracy movements opposite a Arab universe and condemning crackdowns on protests like those seen recently in Syria.

Embattled universe leaders mostly transport to politically neutral Switzerland for medical care.

On Saturday, only hours after his army killed 9 people who had demanded he be attempted for a killings of demonstrators over a past year, Saleh pronounced he would leave Yemen and give approach to a successor. He did not contend when he would go.

Saleh suggested he would bear medical tests in a United States though characterized a outing as one of proxy exile.

"I will go to a United States. Not for treatment, since I'm fine, though to get pided from attention, cameras, and concede a togetherness supervision to ready scrupulously for elections," Saleh said. "I'll be there for several days, though I'll lapse since we won't leave my people and comrades who have been indifferent for 11 months."

Obama's tip counterterrorism official, John Brennan, called Yemen's behaving personality on Sunday to highlight a need for Yemeni army "to uncover limit restraint" with protests, Earnest said.

In his phone review with Yemeni Vice President Abd-Rabbu Mansour Hadi, Brennan also appealed for all sides of Yemen's domestic transition to equivocate "provocative acts that could coax serve violence."

Hadi told Brennan he would do his pinnacle to forestall serve bloodshed, Earnest said, adding both officials concluded it was critical to hang to a transition trail heading to Yemen's Feb 21, 2012, presidential election.

"Mr. Brennan told Vice President Hadi that a United States stays a clever and romantic believer of a Yemeni people in their query to comprehend their richly deserved aspirations for security, domestic stability, deputy government, and mercantile prosperity," Earnest said.

Hadi has urged Saleh's foes and loyalists to dedicate to a truce.

(Editing by Doina Chiacu)

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