Monday, February 27, 2012

Pose For Me

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Product Description

After a infrequent night out for a burger and a movie, Steph and her beloved grow really bored. Wayne, however, wants to do something intimately adventuresome, and it involves and present camera and a lot of snapshots.

Warning! This brief story contains pithy and striking depictions of sex and people holding cinema of themselves carrying sex. As such, it is dictated usually for mature and adult readers over a age of 18.


“Lose a pants,” Wayne said.

I toed off my sneakers, unbuttoned my fly, and we slid a jeans off. Thankfully, we had a foreknowledge to compare a tone of my drawers to that of my bra. My panties positively weren’t elegant, though they did have some teenager blue accentual details. They rode low, though there was some-more than adequate to disguise my pussy – while withdrawal positively zero for a imagination.

Like only before, we leaned onto a table with my familiar adult and a voluptuous grin on my face. Then, we acted with one palm on my breasts and one shoved into my panties. we did a accumulation of spread-leg shots, as good as utterly a few where we incited and presented my peaceful donkey to Wayne’s present camera.

Product Details

  • Published on: 2012-02-26
  • Released on: 2012-02-26
  • Format: Kindle eBook
  • Number of items: 1

Pose For Me

Pose For Me (Kindle Edition)
By Steph E. Strong

Buy new: $0.99

First tagged "sex" by readerRR
Customer tags: fetish, hardcore erotica, voyeurism, erotica, explicit sex, explicit erotica, sex

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