Friday, December 23, 2011

Somali fisherman alone in Paris after acquittal

Somali fisherman alone in Paris after acquittal

Cleared of robbery after French infantry snatched him from African waters 3 years ago, Somali fisherman Abdulahi Ahmed Guelleh now faces presumably his toughest knowledge yet: life alone in Paris.

A French justice on Nov 30 jailed 5 of his compatriots for between 4 and 8 years for holding a French integrate warrant on their yacht off a seashore of Somalia in 2008, though privileged a 36-year-old of all charges.

The justice believed his story that he had simply been in a wrong place during a wrong time and systematic his release, though Guelleh during initial refused to go.

"He was fearful of everything," pronounced Yusuf Khawaje, who was his interpreter during a hearing for seizing a yacht and perfectionist a $2 million (1.3 million euro) ransom.

The release was never paid and a 6 organisation were prisoner and flown to France after French special army stormed a yacht, discovered a integrate and killed a seventh suspect.

"It's blocked," Guelleh, who has a seven-year-old son, pronounced when asked about his destiny after prosecutors called for a retrial, observant a strange sentences were too lenient.

The jail asked interpreter Khawaje to collect Guelleh when he was expelled with only 600 euros ($780) in his slot from work he had finished inside.

The fisherman found a tiny hotel room in Chatillon, south of Paris, from where Khawaje introduced him to a judgment of trade lights and other European peculiarities.

But with a hotel costing 35 euros a night, a fisherman's income shortly ran out.

"I pronounced to myself we have to do something," pronounced internal councillor Francoise Montseny, who review about a Somali's difficulty in a press.

Aid organisation Secours Catholique afterwards offering to board Guelleh for a month and a fisherman, wearing blue jeans, trainers and a black anorak, slung his bag on his shoulder and walked to a circuitously amicable housing hotel.

"It's bigger, better," Khawaje pronounced of a new room, finish with fridge, sink, prohibited plates and orange curtains.

"If we need something, come and see me," pronounced a accessible receptionist, Max. Secours Catholique workman Jean-Claude pronounced he would move him some cooking pans.

Guelleh is afterwards taken to a bend of a Restos du Coeur gift that hands out dishes to a needy and homeless.

As they wait for Guelleh to be sealed up, Khawaje explains that a mural of a joyful and circular male unresolved in a categorical room is of Coluche, a French comedian who set adult a gift in 1985.

"We'll demeanour after him," pronounced one of a charity's workers, overwhelmed by a story of a immature male who says "thank you, appreciate we really much," in damaged French as he heads off with a bag full of food and toiletries.

The subsequent day a beleaguered fisherman went to a city gymnasium to fill out an focus for asylum.

Now, Guelleh can "start to fly with his possess wings," pronounced Khawaje as a fisherman headed off alone for a initial time to Paris' Gare du Nord sight hire to accommodate some compatriots.

On another day, a Secours Catholique workman took him to revisit a world-famous Avenue des Champs Elysees, from where he earnings with a postcard memento.

"The fact that he's being helped is giving him faith in France," pronounced Khawaje, with Guelleh insisting he can't lapse to Somalia where his life is threatened.

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